Like, AOC attacks like, members of her own party for like, refusing to use like, woke language – IOTW Report

Like, AOC attacks like, members of her own party for like, refusing to use like, woke language

CR: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) lashed out at Democrats on Sunday who refuse to use progressive vocabulary like the word “Latinx.”

Speaking in a “mini-rant” on Instagram, Ocasio-Cortez condemned politicians who refuse to adopt the woke vernacular.

“I also have a mini-rant about this because there are some politicians, including Democratic politicians, that rail against the term ‘Latinx.’ And they’re like, ‘this is so bad, this is so bad for the party,’ like blah blah blah,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“And, like, it’s almost like it hasn’t struck some of these folks that another person’s identity is not about your re-election prospects,” she continued. “Like, this is not about you. Second of all, if putting a little ‘x’ on your campaign literature is what you think is the difference between winning and losing an election, you need to talk about health care more. You need to raise people’s wages. You need to talk about more issues that also matter to people.” more

13 Comments on Like, AOC attacks like, members of her own party for like, refusing to use like, woke language

  1. …well, she’s an Indian now, so shouldn’t she be putting some Taíno patois into her current lingo?

    …I wonder what the Taíno word for “Like” is…she sure will be needing it…

  2. I would ask that AOC reserve her idiocy for her own district, who for some reason continues to send her to Washington, instead of inflicting her lunacy on rational, thinking people.

  3. @CJ: I was thinking she sounds more like a really stupid three year old. And my granddaughters made more sense and sounded more mature than she when they were three years old


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