Liz Cheney Tries To Extract Campaign Cash From J6 Witness Subpoenaed By Her Committee – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney Tries To Extract Campaign Cash From J6 Witness Subpoenaed By Her Committee

CR: Ahead of Thursday’s prime-time show-trial hearings for the Jan. 6 Committee, the panel’s vice chair, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, is soliciting campaign contributions from those subpoenaed by the witch hunt probe.

Megan Small, who was director of operations for the Trump campaign and was subpoenaed by the Jan. 6 Committee in September, published a Cheney campaign mailer on Twitter Monday requesting donations.

“Hey [Liz Cheney], is it standard operating procedure on the Jan. 6 committee to ask subpoenaed witnesses for campaign contributions?” Small wrote. more

18 Comments on Liz Cheney Tries To Extract Campaign Cash From J6 Witness Subpoenaed By Her Committee

  1. I noticed a “much” younger picture of Liz on the campaign mailer. It might have been when she was considered a Conservative Republican, many years ago.

    During the primary election her campaign material speaks like a republican, misinformation at best from a turn-coat.

    Wyoming, send her packing, she’ll stay in Washington DC where her constituency is. You deserve better.

  2. The Reagan hating Cheneys have been leftist scum for 60 years. Having n scruples is a clan “feature”!
    Can not train a Clydesdale to win the Derby; never get a Cheney to act morally!

  3. Guys and Dolls, After scanning the headlines at and finding nothing to uplift my spirits today, I am just going to dump this bit of incredibly good news here.

    “Miracle Drug Shows 100% Remission For All Cancer Patients In Drug Trial”

    The trial included only patients with rectal cancer (don’t laugh; cancer is cancer). Best dang story in a long time!

  4. AA
    I read that this morning and passed it around to a few peeps. Let’s hope some big Pharmaceutical Company doesn’t buy the rights to it and bury it. Sounds pretty damn promising though.

  5. Brad — Sloan Kettering. Too big to hide. We hope, right.
    Besides, there are plenty of other critical illnesses that can still pay big pharma. They don’t need cancer, too.

    I haven’t read anything else about this trial, but it sounds amazing! 100% remission, no side effects.

  6. Brad, the other thing (at least for rectal cancer patients) is every single one of them has “the right to try.” No side effects. Would be amazing if it treats other cancers as well.

  7. Intro to the Liz Cheney Show!
    Overture, curtains, lights,
    This is it, the night of nights
    No more rehearsing and nursing a part
    We know every part by heart
    Overture, curtains, lights
    This is it, you’ll hit the heights
    And oh what heights we’ll hit
    On with the show this is it

    Tonight what heights we’ll hit
    On with the show this is it

  8. Have you noticed that the more Liz betrays conservatives, she’s getting fatter, uglier and stupider. No hiding the liberal as she is.

    76% of WY voted to reelect Trump and our Sec of State personally tallies all the written reports from each polling place. No Dominion crapola. Trump’s recent rally in Casper drew the largest crowd EVER for ANY event in WY. Unless the voting is 1000% fictitious it should be a seal clubbing. She will get only the votes of democrats who switch parties to vote in this primary. That will happen in wealthy Jackson, college town dipshit Laramie and the government welfare whores in Cheyenne (the state capital).

    What should be absolutely illegal is for out of state money to come from PACs across the nation. $1 million is being spent on a Primary, twice the former record spent on a campaign.

    BTW, this is how Delaware kept reelecting Potatohead, and Carper (aka Crapper who was also not from DE). Out of state money buying the seats of small population states– should be a felony.


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