Leaders of Latin-America Nations, Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala and Honduras Boycott Joe Biden’s Latin-America Summit – IOTW Report

Leaders of Latin-America Nations, Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala and Honduras Boycott Joe Biden’s Latin-America Summit

CTH: Within the same 30-day cycle Joe Biden asked Venezuela to produce and deliver more oil in order to help him politically. The Venezuelan government, having been the subject of an attempted coup and sanctions driven by the DC interventionist mindset, refused to assist. Joe Biden then refused to invite Venezuela to his Latin-America summit scheduled for this week.

Latin-America leaders are not stupid.  It doesn’t matter whether the self-interested bully comes from the east or the west, they are not blind to the parasitic self-interest contained within the blackmail of any larger nations on the geopolitical stage; especially as the cleaving of the west and east is taking place with increased ferocity.

Today Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador announced he will not attend Joe Biden’s Latin-America summit.

AMLO joins the leaders of Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras and the tiny Caribbean state of St. Vincent in refusing to attend the summit because Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua were blocked from attending by the Biden administration. MORE

9 Comments on Leaders of Latin-America Nations, Mexico, Bolivia, Guatemala and Honduras Boycott Joe Biden’s Latin-America Summit

  1. Shitpants has restored America’s respect around the world and even in our own… back yard. Thanks for stealing the election, democrats and deep state operatives, you’re doing a fine job.

  2. Hungry peasants from our hemisphere will relish the thought of his Potatohead on a pike.

    Afterall even stoopit W is claiming that America needs them to do the jobs we won’t do.

    And after they help him clear brush on his ranch, they can throw Bushes on the burning brush pile, for all I care.

  3. …that’s OK, he only wants Venezuela’s Maduro and Cuba’s Díaz-Canel there anyway, so they can exchange how-to tips and trade stories about peasant suffering for big laughs…

  4. You know what? Fuck those nations. If we had a president with balls we would send all the illegals back to these nations and let them feed, educate, house and find them jobs. I’m sick of being taken advantaged by shit hole nations


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