Louisiana bans transgender athletes from girls, women’s sports – IOTW Report

Louisiana bans transgender athletes from girls, women’s sports


A bill barring transgender athlete in Louisiana from competing in girls and women’s sports will become law as a result of the state’s Democratic governor declining to veto or sign the measure. 

Louisiana Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards opposed the bill but said Monday that he would allow it to become law by not signing it because it would inevitably become one, considering the widespread support in the House and Senate. more

9 Comments on Louisiana bans transgender athletes from girls, women’s sports

  1. Courageous fella, not taking a stand and all. The name Edwards holds sway in my family, as my Aunt married into that family and my uncle is literally buried within spitten distance from Abraham Lincoln. The Edwards family from Ninian Edwards, holds a tidbit of significance in historical context. .. interesting folk. Common, normal people. Every single time this name pops outta the swamp ooze, I consider how it takes courage to speak the truth… My youngest is a track kid, Caucasian and disadvantaged in 100m and long jump. She does pretty well against the females with achilles tendon advantages. I pity da fool who deigns it’s ok to compete against her with male parts and hormone advantages. My husband is a truth teller, coward slayer. He went to the older kids school and “fixed” a girl gang problem for the administration who was too PC in the early 90’s, by walking up to da thugs with the extra melanin and explaining he wanted to meet up with their Daddys and solve the issues that their thug behavior was causing. Here we are 30 years later and boys pretending to be girls are the ones taking advantage because they are the cause de jour. The track banquet was interesting this year talking to parents of middle school girls who’ve already been defeated by the boys pretending to be girls. Needless to say the hubby didn’t mince words. Illinois may explode soon…watch for the shrapnel.

  2. It’s really great to see someone with authority stand up against the liberal, commie, ASSHOLE establishment.

    ALL of their bullshit involving gays, queers, transgenders, homos, AND ALL their phucking pronouns amounts to NOTHING more than distraction from their ultimate goal; the TOTAL control of Americans.

    Which is EXACTLY why they are Hell bent on destroying the 2nd Amendment.

  3. Transgenders should be allowed to compete …..

    But only against transgenders !

    Normal people will compete amongst themselves.

    Don’t expect any smellocrat to understand this.

  4. Require a blood test for chromosomes. You’re either an X or a Y. There’s only those two groups. If you’re a man who likes to dress up like Little Beau Peep I don’t know what to tell you.


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