CDC Scrubs Monkeypox Mask Recommendation, as HHS Doubles Order for Vaccines – IOTW Report

CDC Scrubs Monkeypox Mask Recommendation, as HHS Doubles Order for Vaccines

The Defender:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday scrubbed a recommendation from its website that U.S. travelers wear masks to protect against monkeypox. Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services doubled its order for monkeypox vaccines.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday scrubbed a recommendation from its website that U.S. travelers wear masks to protect against monkeypox, stating health officials wanted to avoid “confusion” after experts emphasized the disease is not airborne.

The move came just one day after the CDC raised its monkeypox alert to level 2 (the highest is level 3), advising Americans to take precautions while traveling but suggesting  Americans don’t need to cancel travel plans.

Infectious disease specialist Monica Gandhi on Monday told “NewsNation Prime” scientists believe prolonged intimate physical contact is required for the disease to spread.

“It’s definitely not airborne, and it takes a lot of contact to get it,” Gandhi said, “which is why we don’t think it’s a major risk to the general population.” more

10 Comments on CDC Scrubs Monkeypox Mask Recommendation, as HHS Doubles Order for Vaccines

  1. CDC is a satanic coven of treasonous shit – as proven by the Wuhan Flu Dempanic.
    Anyone fukkin dumb enough to follow their recommendations deserves to die.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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