In San Francisco, voters give Chesa Boudin, a Soros DA, the boot – IOTW Report

In San Francisco, voters give Chesa Boudin, a Soros DA, the boot

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

In 2019, Chesa Boudin openly campaigned on a hard-left, soft-on-crime platform — and got elected as San Francisco’s chief prosecutor.  On Tuesday, San Francisco voters gave him the boot, having discovered that the reality of hard-left governance is much less appealing than the theory and promises.

Boudin comes by his leftism honestly, being descended from a long line of leftist academics and activists.  His parents, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, were members of the Weather Underground, a Marxist terrorist group during the 1960s, and were the getaway drivers of the cars used in the 1981 Brink’s robbery in New York that left three men dead (a Brinks guard and two police officers).  When Boudin was a toddler, his parents were arrested and convicted, with his mother getting 20 years to life and his father getting 75 years to life.

His parents handed Chesa over to Obama’s mentors, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, both of whom had also been members of the Weather Underground, and they became his surrogate parents.  Boudin attended Yale for both his undergraduate and law degrees.  So, again, he was marinated in leftism. more

14 Comments on In San Francisco, voters give Chesa Boudin, a Soros DA, the boot

  1. He should be hanged.
    After 6 months of … well … questioning …

    He violated his oath of office – I know that means nothing to a Demonrat – or to any Nazi sympathizer – but it should carry consequences – severe consequences.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Bouldin must vacate the office no later than 10 days after the Board of Supervisors certifies the election results, likely sometime in late June or early July. At that point, a successor chosen by Mayor London Breed will assume office.”

    …IOW, THIS is picking THAT.×3840/1200×800/filters:focal(1834×151:2754×1071)/

    “I fear there will a worse come in his place. If it be found so, some will dear abide it.”
    -Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”, Act 3, scene 2

  3. stop2think
    JUNE 9, 2022 AT 10:37 AM
    “Watch, he will run for congress there and the same people who voted him out as DA will vote for him for congress”

    …yes, I…I mean, “they”, probably WILL!

    (*Whew* that was close!)


  4. i’d give most of you useless dcksckrs in lawyer suits a 1-day recall notice in every state – ag, da, governor, sphincter-of-the house, senator, etc. fck all of you mthrfkrs.


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