6 adult men, members of Haitian Special Olympics group, missing since Monday – IOTW Report

6 adult men, members of Haitian Special Olympics group, missing since Monday


Six adult members of the Haitian delegation participating in the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games remain missing, the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office said.

It announced on its Facebook page that it was “actively investigating a missing person’s case involving members of the Haitian delegation participating in the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games.” It is also communicating with Walt Disney World, Special Olympics, and other law enforcement and federal partners, it said.

It added that it believed the fact that they were missing was an isolated event and didn’t suspect foul play.

Anyone with information about the missing members are to contact the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, it said.

The sheriff’s office also published a bulletin with photos and information about each of the Haitian men: Atione Joseph Mithon, 32; Nicholson Fontilus, 20; Peter Mianovich Berlus, 19; Anderson Petit-Frere, 18; Steevenson Jacquet, 24 and Oriol Jean, 18.

Five of the men weren’t Special Olympics athletes; one has an intellectual disability, according to a statement the Special Olympics USA Games released to media outlets. more

12 Comments on 6 adult men, members of Haitian Special Olympics group, missing since Monday

  1. Hmmm, abducted by aliens to explore why these mean are mentally challenged? Figure out what went wrong in the womb? Someone knows something. People disappear all the time and turn up years later saying they needed a change.

  2. Incident at Gator Lake, Florida – June 8, 2022.

    Clyde the Gator: Hey Billy Bob, looky at all the dark meat swimmin’ around over there.

    Billy Bob the Gator: That’s a lotta dark meat.

    Clyde: Let’s go git us some o’ thet meat.

    Billy Bob: I likes the white meat a lot more’n the dark meat.

    Clyde: C’mon now Billy Bob, this ain’t no Selma 1963. Bein’ a white racist is agin’ the law now. Hell, bein’ white is agin’ the law. Don’t go racist on me OK. I haven’t eaten anybody since that little white kid fell in last Sunday an’ I don’t care what color the meat is.

    Billy Bob: Okay Clyde, I guess you’re right…lets hurry on over there and get us some dark meat.

  3. A few minutes later at Gator Lake, June 8, 2022.

    Atione: Oriol, where are the rest of the guys?

    Oriol: Swimming underwater, I think. That’s why you can’t see them.

    Antione: What does “Gator” mean, anyway?

    Oriol: It’s a sweet drink they make here, probably from this water.

    Antione: So we can drink it and swim in it at the same time?

    Oriol: Uhhhh….not right now.

    Antione: See that log over there…weird…it’s swimming around like it’s alive…and it’s got two bumps on it that look like eyes.

    Oriol: It’s the tides that move them around…I see the bumps…probably a couple of frogs hitching a ride.

    The conversation lasts for another 47 seconds.

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