NYC Mayor Eric Adams says crystals give city ‘special energy’ – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Eric Adams says crystals give city ‘special energy’

NYP: Mayor Adams said that the Big Apple is littered with unique crystals that give out a “special energy.”

The former officer — and gem-tleman — even wears multi-colored healing gems on his right wrist. Adams has gotten so into the New Age fad that local blog Hell Gate NYC has dubbed him “NYC’s first Crystals Guy mayor.”

Pricey crystals are popular among celebrities such as Adele and Spencer Pratt and even some Wall Street collectors, who swear by their “healing” properties.

Speaking to Politico in the spring, Adams said he discovered NYC’s iconic bedrock is comprised of unique gems and minerals and that “there’s a special energy that comes from here.” more

18 Comments on NYC Mayor Eric Adams says crystals give city ‘special energy’

  1. Typical Democrat “Leader” babbling on about shiny trinkets and baubles while his city circles the drain. You NYC patrons sure know how to pick em.

  2. I’ve been to New Yawk – those crystals are broken glass.
    Didn’t see a square yard of the streets of NYC without some broken glass on it.
    Crystals, my ass.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This Black Colored Idiot’s African ancestors were from an exceptionally dumb tribe, and no amount of biracial advertising on television can hide this American-African’s stupidity.

  4. The ones sold into slavery by their brother conquerors were the dumbest, slowest, laziest, and worse fighters – that’s how their fellow Africans captured them and sold them to the moslems who sold (some of) them to the Portuguese.

    Slaves were always on the losing end of some battle or some war – so – by definition – whoever bought slaves bought losers.

    And THAT explains DC, NYC, LA, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, New Orleans, Haiti, Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, &c., &c., &c.

    You could look it up – it’s sad but true.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “Oh, we should elect a black guy and expect all our problems to be solved, because after all, he’s black, and….well, that’s all we got. Did I mention he’s black?”

  6. I’ll bet that he credits those crystals to tackling the severe depression he got after Uncle Ben’s and Cream of Wheat stopped using his likeness on their boxes. That must have been a large piece of change he’s missing every month!

  7. “I eat a plant based life, I eat a plant based life!” Isn’t even the dumbest thing this racist imbecile has said. New York city is done and will never come back. The Woketopians who inhabit it are getting exactly what they voted for.


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