“Evidence They Want to Ignore” – IOTW Report

“Evidence They Want to Ignore”

GP: Trump Spox Liz Harrington Releases Barrage of Inconvenient Truths During Jan 6 Committee State-Run Show Trial.

Tonight the January 6 Committee aired its first state-run show trial against President Trump on state-run television.

This was the first time in American history that Congress aired a committee hearing — during the prime time — on at least 8 major channels of state-promoted propaganda against the opposition party and President Donald J. Trump.

At the same time, President Trump’s Spox Liz Harrington released a series of fraudulent activities found in the 2020 Election.

Here are some of the tweets from Harrington.

See also: The Essential Revolver News January 6 Reading List

7 Comments on “Evidence They Want to Ignore”

  1. It’s all B.S. A show trial by lefties and RINO’s to get us hating on each other. Ain’t gonna work, gas is over $5 and I remind these idiots every chance I get that this is what biden said he was going to do.
    The D’s I know are all in denial and refuse to open their mind.

    All the talk about a red wave is probably true but I don’t trust elections in the dem controlled states, and a few of the red states, looking at you Georgia. Here in Michigan it will take a huge conservative turnout to override the manufacture illegal ballots.

  2. The democrat party of “white supremacy”, KKK, Jim Crow, Lynchings, Marxism, segregation, abortions, child sex, pedophilia, grooming, drug abuse, torture, human trafficking, slavery says they are pure and truthful and deserve to run the country!


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