Elon Musk Gives His Response To Review Of ‘What Is A Woman?’ – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Gives His Response To Review Of ‘What Is A Woman?’

Daily Wire: Elon Musk pointed out the inconsistency of radical gender ideology on Saturday after the release of The Daily Wire’s new documentary “What is a Woman?

“We are simultaneously being told that gender differences do not exist and that genders are so profoundly different that irreversible surgery is the only option,” the world’s richest man remarked in response to a review of the groundbreaking film. “Perhaps someone wiser than me can explain this dichotomy.” more

5 Comments on Elon Musk Gives His Response To Review Of ‘What Is A Woman?’

  1. The Matt Walsh clip with the African tribe reminds me of the Cheech & Chong skit about the WWII Japanese General telling the pilots about what a Kamikazi mission is:

    Japanese General:
    “Honorable kamikazi pilot. For the rising sun and for our Japon , you are uh going on a most dangerous mission . You take kamikazi plane far up in the sky ,you find an American aircraft carrier , you take kamikaze plane , down fast , kill yourself and all aboard.
    Do I have any questions?
    Yes, in the back, Sakimoto.”

    (sound of chair sliding)

    “Honorable General Sir.”

    “Ah so.”

    “Are you out of your fucking mind?”

  2. A long period of economic prosperity and general social stability allows loonies, halfwits, mental and emotional cripples of various sorts to ascend the credentials ladder(s) to positions of power and influence in a society. This is definitively the case in our society today.

    Once the gimps assume and exercise power for a time they create the instability (chaos) that ultimately results in competent, reality based leadership taking the reins. Usually this occurs after some very unpleasant and trying times, and it often takes a general collapse and widespread anarchic conditions to cause the gimps to give up power.


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