Soros distances himself from Chesa Boudin – IOTW Report

Soros distances himself from Chesa Boudin

American Thinker: Now that Chesa Boudin is out on his ear as district attorney for San Francisco, not surviving his June 7 recall, it looks like the Soros crew is anxious to say they never knew him.

Sure, defeat is an orphan and victory has a thousand fathers.

But Chesa is little different from all the other district attorneys that the Soros-funded organizations have sought to embed in power. They all create the same telltale chaos and out-of-control crime in the solid-blue cities foolish enough to elect them, based on their criminal justice “reform” agendas, which is shorthand for ‘let ’em all out.’

But the Washington Free Beacon did notice something weird anyway in the wake of San Franciscans’ decision to throw Chesa out: MORE h/t NAAC

16 Comments on Soros distances himself from Chesa Boudin

  1. “Navarro-McKay seems to have the unlucky job of having to comb through the media every day and look for references to Boudin as a Soros district attorney.”

    All evil masterminds have yes-men. But only the worst have a no-man.

  2. There is a term used for anyone and everyone who supports the progressive agenda and that word is useful idiot. Useful idiot – a citizen of a non-communist country sympathetic to communism who is regarded (by communists) as naive and susceptible to manipulation for propaganda or other purposes; (more widely) any person similarly manipulable for political purposes.

    Each and every one of the individuals who are down for the struggle think they will be among the favored few who escape from the suffering, misery and death they are all too willing to inflict on others. Not even close, once they are no longer an asset they are dispensable and will be thrown away like used toilet paper.

    I have absolutely no sympathy for any of them. Indifference to any and all suffering inflicted on them is the best I have to offer. If I were as ruthless as they themselves are I would be actively wishing more and deeper suffering.

  3. “You’d think with all his money he’d do something about those steamer trunks under his eyes.”

    Doc. You always make me laugh my ass off. LMAO!

  4. I read an article where his supporters were saying somethin about “still supporting his vision”. There’s the rub. He’s acting upon his vision and not reality. He thinks he san usher in his vision by making it happen in real life. He also said “You can’t incarcerate your way out of poverty”. Well, you can incarcerate your way out of rampant crime. He’s comparing apples to oranges in his statement.

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