The New York Times turns on Biden – IOTW Report

The New York Times turns on Biden

American Thinker: It is an axiomatic fact that the mainstream media functions as the propaganda wing for the Washington Democrat establishment. In fact, the news media should not be seen as a separate entity but instead as a department within the Democrat party.

Reading an op-ed in the New York Times or the WaPo or watching a show on MSNBC doesn’t provide insight into what the editors or presenter are thinking, but instead what the Democrat Establishment is thinking or wants their voters to think.

The NYT was among those who actively promoted Joe Biden during the Presidential contest in 2020 and cheered his ‘victory’ claiming that the adults were back in charge.

Almost a year and a half late, following the myriad disasters that Biden has created, the paper still remains his cheerleader, but prominent cracks are beginning to show. more

13 Comments on The New York Times turns on Biden

  1. Every one of the stinking worms associated with this biden fiasco should be tried for sedition for putting the country through this. They’ve lied, cheated, and probably killed to get their way, the commie scum.

  2. Let’s face reality. First, it isn’t necessary Biden that the voters dislike – it’s the left wing agenda. The power brokers know this, but they will never admit that their left wing agenda is either a current disaster or a future disaster – depending on the stage of implementation – so they need a scape goat. If Biden was just a doddering fool whose job was to maintain the status quo, the American people may have been o.k. with that. Instead, Biden is a doddering old fool trying to sell an unpalatable agenda and it isn’t working.

    Second, the Democrats need a black candidate for President – and probably a black female candidate. They play identity politics in order to promote their agenda, and they can’t do this with Biden – an old white guy who has been in Washington D.C. forever. Old white guys have no identity politics defense like claims of racism, and the Democrat tactic of blaming everything on white guys is backfiring. A white female would be slightly better, but the likes of Elizabeth Warren are off-putting even in the best of times. Buttigieg has homosexuality going for him, but that’s just not enough to raise and unfounded defense of “homophobia.” No, the Democrat power brokers need a black guy with enough “whiteness” to appeal to middle American Democrats in order to rebut the inevitable anti-American policy by shouting “racism.”

    But Wyatt – what a cynical look at the Democrat party. Well, prove me wrong.

  3. “…but instead as a department within the Democrat party.”

    I disagree with that premise. Substitute the word ‘Uniparty,’ or even more accurately, the ‘totalitarian elite’ which also includes all of the U.S. intelligence agencies and other supra-government organizations.

    The ‘Republicans against the Democrats’ is now quite clearly an act to preserve the equilibrium of human behavior in this country.

  4. The real directors of the program are not elected or, like SlowJoe, selected and fraudulently installed. The market is made in far higher realms than the lowly legislative, judicial and executive branches. We the people get to play at voting and play at politics to keep us occupied while the real masters run their programs. The oligarchy ruled covertly until the chips were down and they acted on their interests in 2020, exposing the hollow, rotten shell that US electoral politics is. Now the question is, how do we get better oligarchs?

  5. The NYT and WaPo don’t need to support Joe or the rest of the Dems. They just need a Republican front-runner to hate. As soon as one emerges, they’ll start dumping on them 24/7.

  6. Biden’s a symptom – and it’s the symptoms that make us aware that there’s a disease.
    The totalitarian lickspittles and cadres are trying to make it seem that Biden is the disease, rather than one of the symptoms. As Wyatt makes clear above – the rot is much deeper and more widespread than Biden and his posse of corrupt clowns. Sort of like when you spot a tiny puddle of shitty water in the back yard – the puddle’s not the problem; the broken sewer line or the septic tank jammed full of shit is the REAL problem. Joey is that little puddle of stinking shit-water – the problem is the torrent of sewage undermining the foundations of the Republic.
    Which, sadly enough, most won’t notice until the edifice collapses upon their heads.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Nobody’s ever turned on me, at least not while I’m sniffing their hair. Of course, it’s hard to turn when I’m holding their shoulders…anyway, I should probably stop revealing the tricks of the trade.

  8. “There is also great disappointment among Democrats over Biden’s repeated failures to advance the far-left agenda.” Are these morons so tone deaf that they cannot understand that America feels the disastrous results of the far-left agenda, whether it is in first gear or sixth gear. Does it occur to them that advancing these failed policies more will only worsen the state of affairs?

  9. The handlers behind Biden don’t care that they are killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs (the US Republic).

    After Biden’s one term they’ll be $$Multi-Millionaires or $$Billionaires and they, their families, heirs and those who got the BIG Contracts will survive their remaining years in gated communities, full scale security, protection and luxury.

    They envision their future heirs to be royals like the Kennedys, Bushs, Pelosis, Rockefellers and other illegal bootleggers, con artists, thieves and those companies who supplied Hitler’s Germany even after the Nazi carnage of Poland.

    We the little people fulfill their widest dreams of wealth, property and control for generations.
    That’s the REAL Fundamental Transformation they desire.

  10. If Trump and Biden face off in debates for 2024, it’ll be a slaughter.

    Either the dems won’t run Biden or if they do they’ll cancel the debates. He’ll lose control of his bowels if he faces Trump again.

    Rephrasing a line from “The Bridge On The River Kwai”:

    “The Stench, The Stench”.


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