Biden says he hasn’t decided to go to Saudi Arabia – seconds before confirming he IS going – IOTW Report

Biden says he hasn’t decided to go to Saudi Arabia – seconds before confirming he IS going

  • President Biden was asked by reporters if had any plans to go to Saudi Arabia
  • The president said that he had not decided but seconds later he confirmed that he was going on a trip involving Saudi Arabia and Israel 
  • He is expected to approach the Saudis, one of the world’s largest oil producers, in an attempt to improve diplomatic relations and help bring down US gas prices
  • Over the weekend, the national average gas price officially reached $5 a gallon for the first time in American history  STORY

10 Comments on Biden says he hasn’t decided to go to Saudi Arabia – seconds before confirming he IS going

  1. Has Obama taught him how to bow properly?

    First, he must bow, then beg with our “Saudi friends.”

    I’m surprised they’ve agreed to let the dimwit land.

  2. The Saudis know what the elites in every country know: Biden is nothing more than a figure head stooge whose sole purpose is to keep the average American focused on this dolt. Biden will go to Saudi Arabia and say what he is told to say. The Saudis will reply and tell Biden to relay the information to his masters. The media will pretend that Biden is a president, we will laugh at Biden’s gaffes and blunders, and the real power brokers will go about their business unfettered.

  3. Well that’s interesting, especially since Joe Biden is not only KKK anti-minority, but is a longtime known anti-Semite which includes Israel and ALL in that region who are Arabs.

  4. Here’s a crazy idea!
    Drill, Baby, Drill!
    Here in the US!
    So we don’t have to depend on fickle foreign governments.
    You know, like we were doing prior to 21 January 2021! When gas was something like under $2/gal!
    What a concept!!

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