Populists Win Legal Case Against Angela Merkel’s Claim Their Involvement in Politics ‘Inexcusable’ – IOTW Report

Populists Win Legal Case Against Angela Merkel’s Claim Their Involvement in Politics ‘Inexcusable’

BERLIN (AP) – Germany’s highest court on Wednesday backed a far-right party’s complaint against former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s comments that the election of a state governor with the party’s support was “inexcusable” and must not be allowed to stand.

The Federal Constitutional Court found that the comments, made by the then-chancellor in 2020, violated Alternative for Germany’s right to equality of opportunities.

Merkel’s comments during an official visit to South Africa and later posted on her and the government´s websites, came a day after the surprise election of Thomas Kemmerich, a member of the pro-business Free Democrats, as governor of the eastern state of Thuringia.

Kemmerich narrowly defeated a left-wing incumbent after Alternative for Germany representatives in the state legislature voted for him instead of AfD’s own candidate.

His election was a major embarrassment for Merkel’s center-right Christian Democratic Union, which also had backed Kemmerich. more here

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