Report: Biden Admin Set to Discipline Border Patrol Agents Falsely Accused of ‘Whipping’ Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Report: Biden Admin Set to Discipline Border Patrol Agents Falsely Accused of ‘Whipping’ Illegal Immigrants

Western Journal:

When photos that at first appeared to show Border Patrol agents on horseback whipping Haitian migrants trying to cross the border illegally last September, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas promised there would be an investigation concluding in “days, if not weeks.”

Americans haven’t been privy to that investigation about the events in Del Rio, Texas. However, since then, we’ve discovered quite a bit about the incident. It turns out the agents weren’t “whipping” the migrants; this was merely an optical illusion in a photo that made it look like their horse reins were whips.

The photographer himself said so — publicly and emphatically.  The Daily Caller reported in April that the agents were cleared of criminal misconduct.

(The Western Journal was quick to detail why the charges of “whipping” were little more than fake news and how the agents were being used as scapegoats by hand-wringing Democrats and a sensationalistic mainstream media. We’ll keep bringing America news and analysis you won’t hear from the mainstream media — and you can help us bring readers the truth by subscribing.)

Now, nine months into an investigation that was supposed to last days, a Fox News reporter says the agents will be hit with “administrative violations” by the DHS. more here

13 Comments on Report: Biden Admin Set to Discipline Border Patrol Agents Falsely Accused of ‘Whipping’ Illegal Immigrants

  1. If you work for the federal government don’t come crying to me when you get fucked by it. I understand this is a frowned upon opinion by about 20% of America but you all better get used to it.


  2. LuvntheBIGsites, you’re exactly right. You can even be in the military with great standing, and along comes a Clinton, Obama, or Biden administration, during which you are at risk or entirely fucked.

  3. The wrong people are being punished. We need to start at the top with joey shitty pants and work our way down to the lowliest office worker that supports that Trotskyist.

  4. This,in and of itself, should be thought of
    as a CRIME that Taffyhead BIDEN can be charged
    with regardless of his current political status.

    He should be charged, indicted, arraigned,
    etc. and subject to civil liability as well
    like malicious prosecution and the various
    criminal civil liberties atrocities.

    The taffyhead PIG should not be allowed
    to escape criminal nor civil liability.

  5. same as u blanking dindus pulled j6 “event” out of your ass. lessons from j6: it’s apparently ok to shoot an unarmed yt-woman & fellating-biden-inc. answers to nobody

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