Republican presses to find out how much food stamp aid going to migrants crossing border – IOTW Report

Republican presses to find out how much food stamp aid going to migrants crossing border

Just The News: Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.) said that food stamps are going to most people who are crossing the southern border, despite denials from Democrats.

DesJarlais told the John Solomon Reports podcast on Tuesday that, while Democrats claim food stamps, or SNAP benefits as they are formally known, only go to minors, asylum seekers, and refugees — most of the people entering the U.S. fit into those categories.

“According to the Biden administration, the USDA, it’s very difficult” for border-crossers to obtain SNAP benefits, he said. “But if you look at the list of reasons and exclusions of those who can get it, it includes about everyone crossing the border today.

“Nobody comes here just saying, ‘Ah, I thought I’d give your country a try.’ They’re all seeking asylum and that automatically qualifies you — or a refugee status, or if you’re 18 or younger, you qualify. So pretty much most people do qualify for food stamps, despite the denials in the — really, the Democrat side of the committee and the USDA.” more here

16 Comments on Republican presses to find out how much food stamp aid going to migrants crossing border

  1. Doesn’t matter what the GOP Congressmen find out, they can’t do ( and won’t do) anything about it.

    American’s will be floored by the huge expenditures of our tax dollars for illegal immigrants, BUT they can’t do anything about it.

    We are experiencing run-away socialism at it’s worst.
    At least they aren’t shooting life long US Citizens…yet.

    The DOJ and FBI just set people up (entrapment by undercover agents) for so called conspiracies and parade those entrapped before cameras of the tipped off news media.

    This is not the America envisioned by our founders and it’s not the America I was born and raised in.

  2. ^ At most, two elections before we bow before the fat lady if this crap isn’t stopped.

    (If I see bullshit from creeps around here about just “voat harder!”, I’m going to shit a brick. We’re exactly two elections away from oblivion and they’re all we have short of breaking out the metal.)

  3. Amen, Mark. I was thinking this administration can stick it’s head right up my ass and I’ll coat it with the best shit they’ve ever seen and then expell it right into the electoral toilet. (Or some other kind of toilet, garbage dump or compost pile.)

  4. @ cato-
    “At least they aren’t shooting life long US Citizens…yet.”

    The vaccine mandates and mask mandates accomplished the same thing…. without firing a shot.

  5. Mark, I don’t think I’d let anyone from this administration get anywhere near my ass crack. But if you want someone from the administration to kiss your ass crack I’ll endorse it.

  6. General Malaise
    “At most, two elections before we bow before the fat lady if this crap isn’t stopped.”
    Really optimistic, I’m not sure we will make it to the next one.

  7. Brad
    “Just wondering, how bad do things need to get before we do something”
    Exactly what their hoping for. They won’t pissoff the >1% that is LGBTQXYZ or the 13% that is black. Just the other 86% of Americans.

  8. “Exactly what their hoping for.”

    No, we need to be a little more intelligent than that. Are you still working? Do you get a pay check? If so, tomorrow go in and claim 50 dependents on your W2. That’s where we start.

  9. @Brad ~ that might have worked (claiming enough dependents to stop one’s taxes being taken out of ones’ paycheck) about 100 years ago, when the federal government didn’t do deficits. but, ho boy! … they sure do now!

    US debt is an astronomical, unpayable amount … over 30 trillion $’s … each taxpayer is on the theoretical hook for over $242k!
    the US government gets $4 trillion in tax revenues & spends over $6 trillion (& only $2+ trillion is individual taxes) … math don’t add up, do it?

    think that taxpayers withholding their pitiful amounts will really matter when those that rule us are now spending our great-great-great-grandchildren’s future income? … remember the congressional house banking scandal back in 1992? … that was amateur hour compared to what they’re doing now … the Biden regime is influence peddling in the billions now … billions (so are the Pelosi’s, the Romney’s, the Graham’s, the McConnell’s, … practically all 535 members of congress) … it’s all a big scam & we’re the suckers. bank on it! (no pun intended)

    & does it really matter when it’s all funny money anyhow? worthless ‘chits’ being manipulated back & forth between world banks, trickling down to our monthly tally sheets (bills vs. income) & our ‘money’ transfers. all fiat, all fake, all phony & no real worth … except in the power to hold up the house of cards … & they (& we) have all agreed to pretend it’s real … what choice do any of the players have?

    prepare brother, prepare ……. water, food, ammo, first aid, …. & start figuring out what your neighbors are prepared to do … either prepare to ally them or use them as a resource, one way or another … figure out where you’re gonna make your stand & prep it … it’s coming … flight, succumb, or fight

    … babbling on about Babylon

    I have no doubt you’re right. Not to mention they just print what they think they need. That’s just all I’ve got. It’s the only tax we can really with hold from the feds. If nothing else we can ruin the IRS if we all do it. This isn’t going to end well.

  11. There was an article in the Portland dePressed Herald last month about the *gag* “New Mainers”.
    It outlined how much in housing and food and clothing and medical assistance they are getting.
    It’s between $60,000 and $65,000 per year.
    More than the average income of individuals who are citizens in this state.
    Why work?
    Why stay in your own country?
    Come to America and be the richest poor in the world!!


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