DeSantis Responds To Elon Musk – IOTW Report

DeSantis Responds To Elon Musk

He’s a funny guy. šŸ˜
h/t joe6pak.

6 Comments on DeSantis Responds To Elon Musk

  1. A Trump – DeSantis ticket is a winner with Trump setting the stage for 4 years and Desantis covering the next eight!! Putting obama and George Soros in prison should be first priority!!!

  2. I read sd’s summation of DJT’s first couple years at CTH the other day and even I had forgotten what a master he was and how his plan for energy independence & economic security for America was a thing of beauty.

    I agree with Unslung, a Trump/Desantis ticket would crush anything these scum would throw at is including what is sure to be voter fraud on a scale that will make 2020 look like a picnic, would put their worst fear back in the WH and prepare Ron to take over in 2028.

  3. I still think I like idea of Trump in 2024, followed up by DeSantis. If we get DeSantis in 2024 that would be OK as well. Iā€™m liking the hell out of his winning attitude!

  4. Itā€™s all about States rights. DeSantis has already served in the swamp and so he knows what a toilet it is and how little power the president has (particularly fighting your own party).
    He needs to stay and protect Florida. Only then will he be ready to battle DC (depending on Nov MAGA v Rino numbers).

    Personally, Iā€™d like to see less people moving to FL. Iā€™ve run into too many blue idiot transplants in my red county as of late. Iā€™d like to keep it red. You can tell who they are without having a convo. Theyā€™re the ones wearing masksā€¦aloneā€¦.on the beach.


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