A Horrified CNN Destroys Biden’s Presidency as ‘Off-the-Charts’ Awful – IOTW Report

A Horrified CNN Destroys Biden’s Presidency as ‘Off-the-Charts’ Awful

It’s GOLD. Must watch.

Becker News: After a night when the Democratic Party suffered a historic election loss in a deep blue district, CNN has finally realized just how bad Biden’s presidency is.

“Put this inflation in context: How bad is the surge in prices?” Anderson Cooper asked.“It’s awful. I mean, it’s awful. And how people feel about it is even worse,” CNN analyst Harry Enten said.

10 Comments on A Horrified CNN Destroys Biden’s Presidency as ‘Off-the-Charts’ Awful

  1. They are mistaken if they think it’s just Biden. The machinery behind him has a globalist outlook and a greenish hue along with a hostility toward American type freedom.

    Just look at where their leaders are from, Germany and Hungary. People from those places did not grow up in a freedom loving environment. Power is what they respect, not freedom.

    In that mix is the former German leader Merkel, who grew up in East Germany. We can add Turdough, son of a communist butcher. The list goes on.

    Liberals have bought membership into the Anti-America, anti-freedom Thug Club.

  2. “Cooper 360” program named because no matter how bad it is he’ll turn the narrative around 180 degrees until someone is invited to tell the truth.

    He must want to keep his job and the big bucks at CNN, he’s attempting to show he’s not partisan after 10 years.
    He’s trying to be a journalist……little late for Bozo !

  3. Biden is no more of a fucking idiot than he’s ever been. This comes as a surprise to no one who should be voting in the first place, the hell of it is the fucking morons who actually voted for the guy think themselves competent to decide for everyone how to order their lives.

  4. CNN does not exist as a channel on my TV set! These masturbating assholes, homos and liars at CNN have worked too many years at destroying their credibility by denigrating good Americans and pushing the false narratives about them while promoting the likes of Bernie Sanders, Jackass Joe and Michael Avenatti! As far as I’m concerned they can tell the “truth” for the rest of eternity while stewing in a bubbling vat of their own shit!

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