Rep. Lauren Boebert Takes Legal Action After Smear By Democrat PAC – IOTW Report

Rep. Lauren Boebert Takes Legal Action After Smear By Democrat PAC

Gateway Pundit:
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and her husband were married in 2005. They have four sons together. Rep. Boebert is 35 years old.

The American Muckrakers PAC this week accused Rep. Boebert of working as a paid escort in the past and allegedly had an abortion as a result.

According to Occupy Democrats, the allegations stem from the political action group The American Muckrackers PAC who alleged Boebert worked as a “paid escort”. The organization further alleged that the escort work led to Boebert having an abortion.

The disgusting smear is going viral on the fake news mainstream media.

Will Sommer at The Daily Beast actually wrote a respectable piece on the outrageous claims. more here

8 Comments on Rep. Lauren Boebert Takes Legal Action After Smear By Democrat PAC

  1. Even if the report was accurate, who gives a shit? Are democrats going to get on their soapbox and declare this is not righteous and good, at the same time they are threatening violence against Supreme Court justices over their right to murder babies?


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