White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is really bad at her job – IOTW Report

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is really bad at her job

Federalist: You’d think every Biden White House press conference would be a home run because, despite the president being largely incoherent, the press corps is exceedingly friendly to Democrats. Nonetheless, there are no home runs for President Joe Biden’s new press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. It seems everything she says is a swing and a miss.

That’s been the case since Jean-Pierre inherited her post from her predecessor Jen Psaki, who left the White House spin team for the one over at MSNBC. But Monday was particularly bad for Jean-Pierre, who stuttered, lied, and fumbled her way through her massive binder to avoid saying what anyone with eyes knows: Everything is a disaster.

Perhaps most disastrous is the state of the American economy, and when Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked about it, a flustered Jean-Pierre parroted the tired “Putin price hike” defense. more here

35 Comments on White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is really bad at her job

  1. @Larry – don’t forget homophobe! She checks a lot of grievance boxes!
    Of course the real problem is that she doesn’t have truth on her side. Kayleigh McEnany, Sarah Huckabee Sanders had it easier because they just needed to know what the truth was.

  2. Yes, Eve, She will never say, “I am quitting, because even though I am a hack, I have a soul and I can no longer say the shit I’m supposed to say without laughing my ass off.”

  3. “White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is really bad at her job”

    Jean-Pierre who took Raggedy Ann’s job, Raggedy Ann said Jean-Pierre was well qualified for the job. She’s right up there with Don Lemon and his gay ilk. I can hardly look at her without laughing.

  4. It’s not like anyone could come off looking like a diamond in a goat’s ass. One would think there would be at least one member of the Biden malAdministration that stood out as even marginally competent. Nope, not a damnable one. Zip, zero, nada. It’s just one big fat three ring clusterfuck and not a soul there that is not engaging in 24/7 clusterfuckery full time.

    I don’t know if anyone could come off looking good in her position. That being said, she doesn’t have what it takes to be in that position under the best of circumstances. Can you imagine if she were not dealing with media flacks who are trying their best to prop her up?

  5. Send in the clowns…

    Don’t bother, they’re here.

    (On the DNC payroll with only “experienced political activist and web commenter” on their resumes, they can’t deal with Conservative fire.)

  6. “^^^^^ I bet you miss affordable fuel too. You dumb bitch.”

    They will never admit it. Kills them on the inside that this nation has been turned upside down, but orange man bad. Fucking assholes.

  7. No doubt the longtime Ku Klux Klan associate Joe Biden has some vicious instrument/plan for this woman if she doesn’t do the job according to his “master” plan.

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