Elon Musk Talks With Twitter Staff During All Hands Meeting, Video – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Talks With Twitter Staff During All Hands Meeting, Video

CTH: Project Veritas has published another recording of an internal Twitter all hands meeting wherein Elon Musk addressed thousands of employees for the first time since news broke of his plans to acquire the company. On the call, Musk described his affinity for Twitter and said the platform was best for “getting a message out” but noted that he was concerned about the platform as it currently stands, reiterating previous statements he’s made about bots, spam, and censorship.

“I think it’s essential to have free speech,” Musk said in response to a question about his highly publicized goal to bring free speech to the platform. When pressed about what that might mean in the context of animal abuse, sexual content and offensive tweets, Musk maintained his stance. “I think there’s also, there’s freedom of speech and freedom of breach, so I think people should be allowed to say … pretty outrageous things that are within the balance, the law, but, but then they don’t, you know, get amplified,” Musk added.  WATCH:

2 Comments on Elon Musk Talks With Twitter Staff During All Hands Meeting, Video

  1. I’ve said before, this guys fun to watch. And he is. He’s got half of an epiphany going on. And that’s the problem. The dumb shit still leans Liberal. He, and his biz were chased out of Cali due to Libtards, and he still doesn’t quite get it. I’m holding out hope for the guy.

  2. Brad,
    “..half an epiphany..” That’s a wonderful way to put it.

    Maybe, to admit how wrong (or duped) he has been about something as fundamental as his political worldview would be too much for his ego. It would be admitting that he’s not the smartest guy in the room after all. Being Elon Musk may be too hard, even, for Elon Musk.


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