Nancy gets confused – IOTW Report

Nancy gets confused

“We Have The War In Iraq…”

23 Comments on Nancy gets confused

  1. I wish Paul would take his Mrs. on a drive, preferably the Teddy Kennedy maritime sightseeing adventure.
    He could also do the passenger in a neck brace ride.

  2. Remember how everyone on the left was so apoplectic about Ronald Reagan being “too old” to serve in such a responsible position?

    He was 70 when he was inaugurated.

  3. I’m ok with this “red flag” law……

    As long as all lawmakers and government employees……
    are forced to take and pass the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test…..annually after they reach full retirement age……currently 65-67 years old…..

    Oh…..and the results…..pass and continue… and retire……with the results published as a public record.

  4. She is so confused she wouldn’t know if she is afoot or on horseback.

    It is going to get worse as the Democrat and Republican establishment installed clusterfuck of a malAdministration descends further into chaos. The Democrat wing of The Party was out and proud about what they did and is feeling the heat. We are going to see more and more of this type of thing as the stress mounts.

    They have completely lost the “independent” vote at this juncture and are grasping at anything and there isn’t anything they can come up with that is even plausible at this point. It is going to manifest in this kind of thing on a steadily increasing basis.

  5. What would happen if someone tied her hands to her side? Would she still be able to talk? Or would she stand still, quiet, with her eyebrows lifted so high that they would be on the back of her head?

  6. “And still do a better job than ANY GOP person!”

    A better job of getting drunk and staying drunk.
    A better job of destroying America.
    A better job of theft, corruption, and treason.

    Yep … can’t argue with that …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. She’s probably not drunk.

    She spent her youth sucking and fucking the longshoremen down on the Baltimore docks out of her daddy’s caddy – just to piss him off.

    Chances are, she got some long-term disease of the brain.

    Or maybe she drinks because of her awareness of her own evil and that she’s speeding towards her judgement? Won’t help, but it does add some amusement to our politics.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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