Major oil industry group sends Biden 10-point plan to lower oil prices, amid record costs at pump – IOTW Report

Major oil industry group sends Biden 10-point plan to lower oil prices, amid record costs at pump


The American Petroleum Institute, the country’s biggest oil and natural gas trade association, has sent the White House a suggested, 10-step plan to lower oil prices – amid record-high costs at gas stations. 

Institute CEO Mike Sommers’ recommendations include lifting restrictions on drilling on federal land, streamlining permitting processes, advancing new energy infrastructure projects and eliminating supply-chain bottlenecks. 

“Your administration has restricted oil and natural gas development, canceled energy infrastructure projects, imposed regulatory uncertainty, and proposed new tax increases on American oil,” Sommers said.  read more

26 Comments on Major oil industry group sends Biden 10-point plan to lower oil prices, amid record costs at pump

  1. It won’t even reach the desk of the flaming Jackass cuz they know he can’t read!
    Not only that, but we all know there is NO intent to fix anything, only destroy!

  2. Please ask the first Black Colored Lesbian Haitian Spokesperson to confirm that this letter was received by Dementia Joey, and what Susan Rice thinks about it.

  3. This administration will ignore any suggestions and just go on with their attempt to wreck America. They are off to a fine, uncontested start. Be sure to tank the US uni-party for remaining silent.

  4. “Gas prices have more than doubled”
    I remember filling my motorhome with premium @ $1.84, this week $5.69, that’s triple price.
    All part of the plan to break the middle class or cause the uprising.
    There should be a defamation suit against the Jan 6 committee on behave of all of US.

  5. As if.

    C’mon man, you think he actually, yaknow, wants energy prices to drop?

    Fact is, he could have done nothing and we’d be far better off. It’s the same old shit from the Overlords-initiate some new policy that makes things worse and than push for yet more new policy to correct your supposed fuck up.

  6. Somebody let the clueless trolls in.
    If MSM is your source of information, the dain bramage is probably permanent.
    Biden/Obama followers have a lower IQ than Biden, and they don’t have a scale that small.

  7. A two point plan would suffice.

    1) Remove the pedo that was installed by fraud.

    2) Return the Presidency to its duly elected TRUE President, Donald Trump, who has ALREADY demonstrated he KNOWS how to achieve energy independence.

    …that will get the ball rolling better than anything else, we can work out the details about hanging Democrats and RINOs who have comitted treason with the appropriate lengths of rope as we go along…

  8. Pictures coming thru parts of LA recently Regular unleaded @ $10.19.

    That’s at least 2x disconnected from the actual cost of gasoline.

    Government is and will always be the problem.

  9. @SNS June 17, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    > Return the Presidency to its duly elected TRUE President, Donald Trump

    We’ve rode the carousel. Hundreds of times. Yes. It was glorious, that he kept Hillary from squatting on the unicorn. That was all. He still “urrpped” on our shoes. He still blamed it on the dog. (What dog? Who knows. There is no dog.)

    There are no do-overs. And a second DJT, would be more DJT. Another spin on the same carousel.

    There’s nothing wrong with humming the song, “waiting for your turn to die”. Just don’t lie to anyone, most especially yourself, that you’re just waiting for your turn to die.

    Unless you’re not. Then you’ve got all kinds of mutual contradictions.

  10. It’s clear how the fucktarded democrat scum will answer this request.

    “You’re responsible for these high prices!!! You must find a solution that doesn’t involve drilling, storing, transporting, or refining oil!!!”


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