Miss Universe pageant trounced for claiming that men can menstruate: ‘The war on women is real’ – IOTW Report

Miss Universe pageant trounced for claiming that men can menstruate: ‘The war on women is real’

Blaze: The Miss Universe organization is facing strong backlash for claiming that men can menstruate.

This week, the Miss Universe organization pushed a message that biological males who transition to transgender women are capable of menstruation. The messaging was shared on the Miss Universe Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – which have nearly 20 million followers in total.

“Inclusive language is important, especially when speaking about periods,” the post read. “Thinking menstrual health is only a niche topic for woman excludes transgender, non-binary and gender-nonconforming people who have periods from the conversation.”

The social media post had the hashtag: “menstrual equity.”

The post had graphics that explained: “How to talk about periods.”

The slides advocated for people to replace the term “women’s health” with “reproductive health.” Another graphic instructed everyone to stop using the term “women who have periods” and only use “people who have periods.”

“Not all women menstruate and not all people who menstruate are women,” the final slide states.

Twitter reactions ridiculed the Miss Universe organization over the claim that men can menstruate. more

23 Comments on Miss Universe pageant trounced for claiming that men can menstruate: ‘The war on women is real’

  1. PDJT is probably SO glad he got out when he did of the Miss Universe Pageant mess.

  2. How much of this is 4chan driven, and dipshits like me who used to shitpost meme facebook for hours a day? I hope I’m not really responsible.

    #robotlivesmatter, and The US Bureau of Amplified Hate were satire sites.

  3. ““Inclusive language is important, especially when speaking about periods,” the post read. “Thinking menstrual health is only a niche topic for woman excludes transgender, non-binary and gender-nonconforming people who have periods from the conversation.””

    There is NO SUCH THING as a “transgender” person.

    If a person DOES have periods, it means that they are a woman with intact plumbing and a body chemistry that hasn’t been completely fucked over by hormone “therapy”.

    Stop trying to make people comfortable with being mentally ill.

  4. Oh please, if a man ever had a period men would invent pain remedies and coping mechanisms hereforto unheard of. Believe me MEN, you do not ever want to have a period, let alone one every 28 days for 35 to 40 years.

  5. Tampon shortage, hmmm? Time to get creative. I’ll just toss these ideas out…

    gerbils, hamsters, mice (guinea pigs for “super”)
    foam paint brushes
    a bunch of Q-tips duct taped together
    for temporary emergencies: corks

  6. Satan HATES woman. Specifically, God used a woman, Mary to bring Christ in the world which pissed off the devil who is spiteful and proud and wants to be God.

    The following scripture confirms why Satan wars against women:
    Genesis 3:15, The Holy Bible
    “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. He shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise His heel.”

    That’s why Satan is tactically degrading women through the lies -trangenderism, drag and lesbianism in particular. These are all constructs of Feminism. Satan is attempting to make women irrelevant, worthless and not a unique creation in the image of God, dynamic companion to men for the perpetuation of humanity.

    So Satan mocks a God designed, genius biological function – the menstrual cycle of women, related to bringing children to the world, vulgar and farcical. It’s his way of payback. Sadly, too many are buying this deception and ignoring the Truth of God.

  7. That MissU org have yet to post their license(s) to practice or officiate on medicine in any capacity. Add the obvious fact, which they comically missed, that DNA proves against their juvenile views.

  8. Mrs. RadioMattM — That was TOO funny!!

    (and it gets even worse, right? I didn’t know my eyelids (eyelids!!) had sweat glands in them until the Big M.! Or that I’d find relief several times a day by sticking my head in the freezer! In winter!)

  9. “Believe me MEN, you do not ever want to have a period, let alone one every 28 days for 35 to 40 years.”

    And here I was worried about shoving something the size of a bowling ball out my ass.


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