Self-inflicted Damage Control – IOTW Report

Self-inflicted Damage Control

Patriot Retort: Now that calling it “Putin’s Gas Tax” has once again failed to resonate with the American people, the Biden administration has returned to blaming the oil industry for failing to produce enough oil to address the self-inflicted damage to Biden’s cratering approval rating.

These people are so mindbogglingly craven.

Yesterday, the shrewish energy secretary, Green Energy Cheerleader Jennifer Granholm appeared on CNN to demand oil companies spend more money to increase oil production while she admitted the end goal of the administration is to shutter them all in a matter of years. more

14 Comments on Self-inflicted Damage Control

  1. Besides being a child molesting predator, complusive liar, and Ku Klux Klan associate and official Klan funeral eulogizer, Joe Biden is the typical narcissist who blames everything he does, says, and engineers on everyone and anything else. This is that-guy who takes absolutely NO responsiblity for what he’s done or plans to do. Under the Joe Biden Racketeering Cabal, the nation is a laughingstock and a United States of Horrors & Failures. Joe Biden built that.

  2. I don’t believe there is one person in Biden’s administration that doesn’t deserve a good hanging. He has the most disastrous administration in this nation’s history.

    Only Joe Biden, with his unerring ability to screw things up, could possibly assemble such an elite band of screw-ups to be in a Presidential Administration.

  3. The role of an executive is not to watch things happen but to influence, change or, if possible direct what is happening. Making excuses for what is happening it the realm of the worker bee.

  4. They’re just feeding us shit while they destroy America and western civilization.
    Oil production is off because oil is the lifeblood of America. They mean to keep it off. They lie to deflect attention from their perniciously odious (and treasonous) agenda.
    Apparently there are sufficient numbers of fools who bob their heads and clap at the sounds of lies spewing from politicians and the media.

    Stolen elections have consequences, too.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Somebody ask Jenny what the plan is to power the heavy equipment needed to remove the 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust it takes to make one battery for a car.

  6. The same thing is going on with the ocean shipping industry. Biden and the Democrats ( and COC GOPers) are trying to demonize and punish an entire industry through regulation and legislation, in an attemp to solve problems create by government itself. And like the oil industry, the ocean shipping industry is multinational, largely offshore and not totally beholden to the would-be fascists running our country.

    Average Americans have seen that there is no loyalty to our country by huge multinationals when it comes to politics and social issues. Maybe the current American fascists trying to shape America according the the Chinese model are about to find out that it takes some competence and planning to implement authoritarianism, neither of which are in evidence in DC.

    It goes without saying that ordinary people will suffer the most when the folly of these petty tyrants comes crashing down, but maybe we can build America back from the rubble of Build Back Better.

  7. We all can agree that Potatohead is an idiot/jackass/liar/criminal.

    But why is EVERY other elected parasite doing NOTHING to stop him. Or even slow him down.

  8. It’s not by accident…..
    this is a planned demolition…..
    The wef’s logo……Build Back Better…..bbb……666…..
    “You’ll own nothing and be happy…..or else.”

  9. @mystaclean June 18, 2022 at 6:41 am

    > Somebody ask Jenny what the plan is to power the heavy equipment needed to remove the 500,000 pounds of the earth’s crust it takes to make one battery for a car.

    They’ve got people, for that.

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