FBI To Investigate Pro-Life Center Attacks As Domestic Violent Extremism – IOTW Report

FBI To Investigate Pro-Life Center Attacks As Domestic Violent Extremism


National File:

The FBI announced an investigation into recent violent attacks carried out on pro-life centers as the SCOTUS case Roe v. Wade could be overturned in the near future.

“The FBI is investigating a series of attacks and threats targeting pregnancy resource centers and faith-based organizations across the country,” the FBI said in a statement. “The FBI takes all threats seriously and we continue to work closely with our law enforcement partners and will remain vigilant to protect our communities.”

The bureau is soliciting help from the public for any information concerning the attacks or individuals involved. more

11 Comments on FBI To Investigate Pro-Life Center Attacks As Domestic Violent Extremism

  1. “The bureau is soliciting help from the public for any information concerning the attacks or individuals involved.”

    OK FBI, here’s some help: How about finding who belongs to Jane’s Revenge? You managed to find everyone who was at the Capitol on 1/6, so how about finding the real terrorists for a change?

  2. “The bureau is soliciting help from the public for any information concerning the attacks or individuals involved.”

    Start with, RAY EPPS. You’re welcome.

  3. We’re also very interested in looking at the damage and injury data.

    So we can advise the next wave of bombers how to increase both.

    And maybe have them shoot a bit with an AR15 as a follow up attack.

    Because we still need to work on gun confiscation too.

    We will know everything there is to know about bombing right-to-life sites when we’re done.

    Because how else can we get those incompetent useful idiots to run up a body count.

  4. It sure takes gall for the FBI to ask people who’d like to help a conservative organization to step up and give info AND THEIR OWN IDENTIFYING INFORMATION to an organization which is clearly politically and judicially weaponized by O’Brandon and the Left, against them. We’d be in better hands with Paul Blart: Mall Cop.


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