Another conspiracy theory comes true – IOTW Report

Another conspiracy theory comes true

mRNA Covid vaccination reduces sperm count for up to five months.

h/t Illustr8r.

12 Comments on Another conspiracy theory comes true

  1. Are we living in a Stargate episode?
    Shots that supposedly cure everything also sterilize everyone.
    I can see why WEF fascists push this stuff. They’re plan includes smaller populations.
    But then who will build their mansions and windmills?

  2. Bill Gates bragged back in 2010, if we do a really good job with vaccines we can reduce the population by 10-15%. Seeing how everyone is just dropping dead suddenly, not waking up or losing babies he seems to have overshot his goal.

  3. Sadly, conspiracies exist.
    Even sadlier, the more nefarious conspiracies exist behind a media smokescreen and are only seen as their pernicious effects take place.
    The Dempanic Wuhan Flu Scam stunk from the beginning.
    The FedGov granting Big Pharma immunity from justice should have set off alarms all over the land – but, again, sadly it didn’t.
    I don’t believe these drugs are “experimental” – I believe they are malicious manifestations of sick, depraved, diseased minds such as Fauxi, Gates, and Biden.
    The FBI and DOJ are working feverishly to suppress all facts concerning Biden, the Wuhan Flu, the “grooming” and perverting of our children, the stolen election, the numbers and crimes of illegal-alien invading rat-people, and the influx of rag-headed terrorists into the United States.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. They got what they set out to do, render males useless in reproducing. Males have been pussified by their own gender. We even saw them wearing pussy hats during the 2016 election. No one is stepping up to the plate to stop it, so, it’s an acceptable thing. America can not longer stand on its own, we’re screwed. I know I didn’t make any friends saying it, but oh well.

  5. ^^^ Goldenfoxx – and that’s a puzzle piece that fits perfectly with all the other actions of the Left to foul up the next generation so that they cannot become functional, productive members of society.
    Common Core
    Every child is rewarded as a “Winner” no matter how badly they perform.
    Removal of contact sports – like dodgeball (ohhhhh that’s too violent!)
    Removal of jungle gyms and slides
    Woke textbooks
    Questioning gender (Kid’s Guides To Gender Identity)
    Aaaaannnnnd so forth!

  6. The Freak:

    I’m Rear Admiral, hear me roar!
    My rank is too much to ignore
    And I know too much to go back being a man
    Cause I take it in my rear
    I’m the Rear Admiral, and really queer


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