At least the GOP is finally talking about it – IOTW Report

At least the GOP is finally talking about it

Texas Republicans Declare Biden Regime Illegitimate at State Convention in Houston.

10 Comments on At least the GOP is finally talking about it

  1. Kind irrelevant at this point. I don’t think the USA can recover in 10 years, what these dumbasses have done in 17 months. I don’t think we will make to Nov 8, or 9, ,10, 11, 12, 13…….
    Or how ever long it take them to cheat the next one.

  2. One more thing, not one single whisper of impeachment of Biden. Republicans said nothing to make matters worse. They have no balls. Matter of fact, Repuglicans have been quiet these past 2 years on serious matters. We’re screwed. America has turned their back on God. Sodom and Gomorrah are allowed to be played out in society. We all know how that ended, and this time around it will be worse. Mothers will be held more accountable than a tranny. A mother’s role is to protect her children. Allowing a tranny to be in the same room as your kid, is a felony to God.

  3. Notice to all US Border Agents. We’re moving the border to the northern Texas state line. Texas will now serve as a immigration holding pen/internment camp.


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