President Putin, did You Know You Are Losing the War in Ukraine? – IOTW Report

President Putin, did You Know You Are Losing the War in Ukraine?

SONAR: Dear President Putin:

I write with the greatest of respect and sorrow to inform you that your gamble in Ukraine has failed and you have lost a strategic battle. How do I know? Well, UK Admiral Tony Radakin, the head of the UK’s Armed Services says so. Here is what he said:

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin said Russia was suffering heavy losses, running out of troops and advanced missiles and would never be able to take over all of Ukraine.

“This is a dreadful mistake by Russia. Russia will never take control of Ukraine,” Tony Radakin told PA Media in an interview published on Friday.

The country’s highest-ranking military officer said the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, had lost 25% of Russia’s land power for only “tiny” gains and it would emerge a “more diminished power” while strengthening Nato. . . .

“The Russian machine is grinding away, and it’s gaining a couple of – two, three, five – kilometres every day,” the admiral said.

“And Russia has vulnerabilities because it’s running out of people, it’s running out of hi-tech missiles.

“President Putin has used about 25% of his army’s power to gain a tiny amount of territory and 50,000 people either dead or injured. Russia is failing.”

If Admiral Tony says it is true you can take it to the bank. I mean, who can deny the British victory at Dunkirk and their smashing successes in quelling the natives in India, Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to be presumptive Mr. Putin, but when Russia comes to grip with the mighty military prowess of the United Kingdom, I can understand why you will quiver in your snow boots. more here

11 Comments on President Putin, did You Know You Are Losing the War in Ukraine?

  1. “… two, three, five – kilometres every day …”
    On how long a front? If, say, a 90 km front (according to BBC, that’s 180 to 450 km^2/day.
    And why would Putin want the whole of Ukraine?
    More trouble to keep it than to take it.
    He may just have his eyes on the Donbas.

    I’m beginning to think that we never hear anything other than Bull Shit, More Shit, and Still More Bull Shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Ever play Axis & Allies – you win with Russia by throwing troops @ Germany – not planes or tanks but troops & only troops – because Red Tevia & babushka will just make more!!!

  3. Russian dick, Black dick, Yellow dick, Messican dick, White dick … they all taste the same – take my word for it – I’ve tried em all – or better yet, suck em yourself!

  4. Before you throw stones at the British forces, the US didnt do well in “quelling the natives” in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Hell we were caught flat footed at Pearl Harbor. I do think that is a cheap shot. Like the current leaders in the Pentagon who are bigger supporters of the Rainbow flag rather than the US flag, the Brits are led by idiots as well.


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