New Orleans Restaurant Will Receive Damages for Lockdown-Related Revenue Loss – IOTW Report

New Orleans Restaurant Will Receive Damages for Lockdown-Related Revenue Loss

National File

A popular New Orleans seafood restaurant will be awarded damages for revenue lost during mandated COVID-19 lockdowns. Oceana Grill has won the country’s first of its kind legal battle in appellate court over shutdown related damages.

Oceana Grill is a massive, partially outdoor seafood restaurant located in the city’s historic French Quarter. According to Eater New Orleans, the establishment is very popular with tourists and “always has a line.”

Cajun Conti, the parent company of Oceana Grill, sued Lloyd’s of London on March 20, 2020, the same day the restaurant shut down. The lawsuit sought coverage for losses incurred while Louisiana restaurants were shuttered during the pandemic.

The restaurant’s lawyers have argued that its premium payment of $91,000 a year for an “all risks commercial insurance policy” entitled it to payments that would make it whole for the business interruptions suffered during the government-mandated restrictions, according to


9 Comments on New Orleans Restaurant Will Receive Damages for Lockdown-Related Revenue Loss

  1. So the insurance company takes it up the ass because of the gov’t’s actions?
    And everyone who pays insurance will now see their premiums rise because of cynical, un-Constitutional gov’t manipulations?

    This is NOT justice.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Fact is that restaurant, and millions more such as theirs across the nation, have no more “line” due to Joe Biden’s widespread failed economy. Consumers aren’t even buying any fast-food for the unnecessary expense and are making-do without the pricey stuff.

  3. @Tim – You are exactly right. However, more importantly, if this is allowed to stand it could collapse the entire insurance industry. The damages caused by the ignorant actions of the US government will run into the very high $BILLIONS. There has never been enough in reserves and/or re-insurance to withstand such a large loss.


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