Voters whom Democrats need most to win election are most severely impacted by inflation crisis: Report – IOTW Report

Voters whom Democrats need most to win election are most severely impacted by inflation crisis: Report


Democratic strategist James Carville coined the phrase: “It’s the economy, stupid!” If that expression holds true, Democrats are in for a walloping this November.

That is because, as NBC News reported over the weekend, the voter demographic groups that helped Democrats win in 2020 are being most negatively impacted by the ongoing inflation crisis.

From NBC News:

Inflation has been cited as a top concern by voters across the board, but economists and pollsters say it isn’t affecting all Americans in the same way. Those with lower incomes, Blacks and Hispanics, and those under 40, are being hit particularly hard given they tend to spend a greater share of their income on food, fuel and housing — areas that have seen some of the biggest price increases over the past year, surveys and polls show.

For Democrats, those demographic groups are the ones they need the most to turn out in November to hang on to power in Washington, or if nothing else, stem their losses.

The working and middle classes, of course, are most impacted by inflation — which decreases the purchasing power of every dollar — because they generally have less discretionary income, thus making them more susceptible to rising costs at the gas pump and grocery store. more

12 Comments on Voters whom Democrats need most to win election are most severely impacted by inflation crisis: Report

  1. They ain’t worried. They think abortion riots will save them, along with probably releasing another disease or two, real or imagined.

    And if all else fails, they’ll still have Dominion over us anyway…

  2. …besides, Democrats always have been and still are the author of every deliberate misery visited on American Blacks, from slavery to Jim Crowe to firehoses (Bull Conner was a Democrat) to denial of civil rights (only Republicans passed the 1969 Civil Rights act) to integration (George Wallace was a Democrat) to modern ghettos, enabling rampant murder, arson, rape and theft in Black communities, making education worthless and not bothering to use ANY standards, to fanning hatred and division for political gain to destroy ANY hope of improvement or healing, all this and more…

    …was done by Democrats.

    But they will still vote for an old White man who belittles them and calls them nogger.

    Because he’s a Democrat, and that’s what they vote for.

    …so that’s another reason Democrats have no fear.

    Their coalition will march in lockstep with them over any cliff because, racism, or something…

    …and they know it.

  3. I remember from years ago, the late great Rush Limbaugh, who coined and defined the phrase, “battered liberal syndrome.” His analysis then, is perhaps more relevant now, than any time in history. God save us from these fools.

  4. Strategically, the dems are pinning their hopes on the millions and millions of “new Americans” voting “D”, and on the universal legalization which will remove 20 points from the collective IQ of the voting populace.

  5. Most of them, if they actually got off their lazy ass and cast a legitimate ballot, voted for this and they deserve to get what they voted for and get it good and hard.

    Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. H. L. Mencken

  6. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
    Alexander Fraser Tytler


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