Amid threats of blackouts, Illinois lawmakers call for scrapping ‘Green New Deal’ – IOTW Report

Amid threats of blackouts, Illinois lawmakers call for scrapping ‘Green New Deal’


In the wake of an alert warning of possible rolling blackouts this summer, some Illinois lawmakers want to revise the state’s energy policies.

Midcontinent Independent System Operator is warning Illinoisans of possible blackouts and rising energy prices that could cost families as much as $600 more a year.

The announcement was just an advisory and was not the elevated “warning” or “event” stage, but they said the next advisories could require electric utilities to request energy conservation or possible rolling blackouts and power outages.

State Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Teutopolis, said rolling blackouts should not be the norm in this country and something should be done to ensure there will be abundant energy available for Illinoisans.

“We need to be back in Springfield. We need to repeal the Green New Deal, we need to bring Ameren to the table,” Niemerg said, “and actually have a productive energy policy moving forward.” MORE

15 Comments on Amid threats of blackouts, Illinois lawmakers call for scrapping ‘Green New Deal’

  1. wildman
    JUNE 22, 2022 AT 10:17 AM
    “Blackout just the districts that voted for biden. Only fair to punish those who voted for it.”


    Here, I will tell you which ones *giggle! “Voted” for him!

  2. Illinois is being asked to pay 54% more for a service that won’t work at random times. Chicagoland isn’t affected, and Lori can virtue about no coal and no nuclear when there are several major nukes around the outskirts of Chicagoland, outside of her overreaching power, that provide power to the city.

    The way I understand it is coal companies are being asked to retrofit for less emissions now only to be asked to shutter completely within the next 5 years. A lot of them are simply throwing in the towel and closing now. That’s the green new deal, something we never voted for.

    My oldest is preparing to go to SIU, where I graduated in 1997, and the campus is powered by an on campus coal power plant. I was just there a couple weeks ago and it was interesting to see the power plant without any smoke billowing from the stack, like I remember as a student. I have no clue what they do with it, lol. Thinking the coal plant is secondary power now, but I need to do more research. My son is going into automotive tech and they have gigantic warehouses that are essentially refrigerated like a meat locker the A/C is so damn powerful in those buildings, even with bays open wide, no shortage of power there yet.

    Meanwhile, China burns more coal than the rest of the world combined.

  3. The powerful in the world and in the US would prefer millions of us dead, and they certainly don’t care about our comfort when the temperature hits 100 degrees.

    The delicate environment is their god. “Saving” the planet is their mission, gained by killing millions of us, and severely limiting future populations by various means.

  4. An article in Evolution News (actually a website for Intelligent Design) is about a guy that invented a form of Artificial Life that he claims should be given “personhood” status, and not to do so is a form of bigotry.

    In the article is this bit by the reviewer, Denyse O’Leary:

    “Significantly, the same World Economic Forum that wants to grant legal personhood to “forests, rivers and species” also sponsors Yuval Noah Harari who is wondering out loud what to do with all the “useless,” “meaningless,” and “worthless” people in a world that he believes will soon be dominated by AI.”

    Kill the useless, meaningless, and worthless people is what they want to do. Once the Nazis concluded that about the Jews and Slavs, killing them was easy.

    Evil is back in town.

  5. I sent this article to my daughter. Let’s just say she’s working amongst the kerfuffle in midwest electricity. She said this bill was never passed. Interesting huh? No doubt the threat of such legislation forces movement nonetheless.


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