California Crazy: Los Angeles Politicians Want to Ban All New Gas Stations – IOTW Report

California Crazy: Los Angeles Politicians Want to Ban All New Gas Stations


California is currently boasting the highest gas prices in the nation, in addition to some of the highest housing costs. With another gas tax set to be implemented on July 1, and Governor Gavin Newsom committing to completely ban new drilling in one of the most oil-rich states in the country, there seems to be no relief on the horizon for overwhelmed Californians.

Leave it to the city of Los Angeles to always add insult to injury. L.A. city council member Paul Koretz is introducing a policy that would permanently ban the construction of any new gas stations

“We are ending oil drilling in Los Angeles. We are moving to all-electric new construction. And we are building toward fossil fuel-free transportation,” said Paul Koretz, the LA council member who is working on the policy. “Our great and influential city, which grew up around the automobile, is the perfect place to figure out how to move off the gas-powered car.”

In addition to one of the fastest rising crime rates in the nation, Los Angeles also has one of the worst public transportation systems. Buses and trains are regularly occupied by the mentally-ill homeless and the drug addicted, who are often one and the same. While the city council dreams up ways to make the lives of struggling Angelenos harder, they don’t offer any alternative to automobiles and only the wealthy can afford electric vehicles in the Golden State. more

9 Comments on California Crazy: Los Angeles Politicians Want to Ban All New Gas Stations

  1. Batteries,solar panels,wind turbines don’t
    work well.500,000 pounds of dirt has to be
    mined up to obtain the rare earth metals to make
    1 electric car battery.Americans get their food
    from diesel powered semi-rigs with 53′ trailers.
    Electric tractor trailers ??? We will all starve.

    JUNE 24, 2022 AT 11:38 AM

    “Americans get their food
    from diesel powered semi-rigs with 53′ trailers.
    Electric tractor trailers ??? We will all starve.”


    Just like we planned.

  3. Koretz obviously didn’t get Crusty Joe’s message that there’s a war, and so the gas stations gotta quit gouging ordonary people because Ukraine and stuff. Koretz must be un-American if he wants to limit the gas supply and competition thereby driving up prices for ordinary people.

    I thought the left’s motto was “never let a crisis go to waste.” It should be “never let a crisis go to election day.”

  4. This should be entertaining. Bans on drilling, no new gas stations, continually raising gas and diesel taxes, hydroelectric generation stalled by low water levels, nuke plants closed, solar cells resting under the clouds and at night, wind turbines inactive due to light winds. Sheeple in Commiefornia have foolishly purchased “green” electric vehicles (which may kill you with their self driving apps, or burst into furious flames and burn your house down) and now can’t charge them, as the electric grid is overwhelmed and imploding. Gavin Gruesome must have run out of pixie dust and unicorn farts. Surrounding states should put a moratorium on providing ANY electricity to the socialist shithole. We could then take bets on how quickly complete anarchy would ensue. Personally, I’m stocking up on popcorn and libations. Let the games begin!

  5. It is fun to watch the faces of witless voters, as they put a noose around their own necks (support elitist politicians); crawl without help up onto the stool (find out first hand the consequences of corruption aren’t as expected, because they’ve been had) and realize they TOO will be affected, because they are not elite.

    They are so surprised at the result of their mindless following of elitist politicians.

    Laws and regulations are not for those who create them.

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