Ukraine orders retreat from strategic Donbas town as Russia advances – IOTW Report

Ukraine orders retreat from strategic Donbas town as Russia advances

JTN: Ukrainian forces received orders to retreat from the strategic Donbas city of Severodonetsk early Friday morning amid a Russian offensive that threatens to encircle a major portion of the Ukrainian Army.

Luhansk Gov. Serhiy Haidai announced the retreat order, per Economist correspondent Oliver Carroll.

The city of Severodonetsk is situated opposite the Siverskyi Donets river from the oblast capital city of Lysychansk and was one of the last major bastions of Ukrainian resistance in the region. The Russians largely secured the city in late May, but Ukrainian forces have remained on that side of river contesting the occupation up to the present.

The evacuation from Severodonetsk means Lysychansk stands as the final major city out of Russian hands in the Luhansk Oblast. The former has been the provisional capital of Ukrainian Luhansk since the eponymous city that formerly held that role fell into the hands of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic, a pro-Russian separatist polity. more

5 Comments on Ukraine orders retreat from strategic Donbas town as Russia advances

  1. They’ll send another $50,000,000,000…ummm, what is that word the journos and pols like to use when they talk about magic, printed make-believe money…oh yeah…”tranche”…I hate that word. But in this time of war, you know, we got to pay to save Lysychansk.

  2. Is it just me or does anyone else hear ‘Dumb Ass Region” when the media is talking about the Donbas?

    Sorry, I got too much else to worry about and figure out. I know TBTB may be starting WW3 there but my trying to decipher WTF is going on there (and has been going on there for decades and centuries) is not going to have an effect there or in my little (and perhaps shortened) life.


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