Doctors Question Kids’ Vax As U.K. Research Shows Minuscule COVID Risk – IOTW Report

Doctors Question Kids’ Vax As U.K. Research Shows Minuscule COVID Risk

Just The News:
The quality of evidence for the FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months is drawing scrutiny from high-profile doctors and academics, some of whom are asking the White House not to pressure parents to vaccinate.

With CDC seroprevalence data from February finding 75% of minors had natural immunity, more attention is going to the risk/benefit calculation of vaccines for the age group at lowest risk from COVID.

Parents on the fence may find their hesitancy reaffirmed by new studies, not yet peer-reviewed, on the COVID infection fatality rate (IFR) by age and underlying health conditions and “serious adverse events of interest” following mRNA vaccination.

“If someone says vaccines for kids < 5 lower the risk of severe disease or death, it’s important to remember that no data on earth proves that conclusion,” University of California San Francisco epidemiologist and clinical trial specialist Vinay Prasad tweeted.

He analyzed the evidence considered by FDA and CDC advisory committees in a 40-minute video that emphasized “unmeasurable confounding” problems inherent to such “observational data sets.” more here

1 Comment on Doctors Question Kids’ Vax As U.K. Research Shows Minuscule COVID Risk

  1. Haven’t we known for quite awhile that children were a demographic that was barely even touched by Covid.
    We needed some UK “science” investigation to tell us what was patently obvious?


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