42 bodies found in San Antonio tractor-trailer in possible smuggling case – IOTW Report

42 bodies found in San Antonio tractor-trailer in possible smuggling case

Just The News: At least 42 people were found dead inside a tractor-trailer in San Antonio, Texas, on Monday, Gov. Greg Abbott confirmed.

Other people were taken to hospitals in the area. 

Fire tucks and police vehicles can be seen surrounding an 18-wheeler by the 9600 block of Quintana Road. Reporters observed several ambulances coming to and leaving the scene.

News 4 San Antonio identified the deceased as “undocumented migrants,” but did not provide a source for the victims’ identities.

“This is believed to be a case of human smuggling,” Fox 26 reporter Matthew Seedroff said.

The report comes as Border Patrol agents are encountering record numbers of migrants under the Biden administration. Agents encountered nearly a quarter of a million migrants at the Southern Border in May.

The death toll may be higher as a source told Fox News’ Bill Melugin that at least 46 migrants have died. more

19 Comments on 42 bodies found in San Antonio tractor-trailer in possible smuggling case

  1. Just wait for more.
    Is the dunce calling for investigation?
    Oh yeah, he’s checking out border patrol agents on horseback who were using reigns to control their horse.
    We can rest easy now.

  2. This is more blood on Biden’s hands. The incident will, of course, be used to relax enforcement at the border.

    Human traffickers often hold their clients hostage until they get payed.

    Open borders will not go ever well with the cartels. They will make themselves the primary obstacle by charging exhorbitant amounts for safe passage to the open border.

  3. A shelter for Muslim migrants opened over the weekend in Tijuana… all because of Jackass Joe’s border policies. I think we all know how this one is gonna end…. BOOM!

  4. The focus of the investigation should be “how did a semi-truck packed full of illegals manage to just drive across the border?” Don’t they at least pretend to inspect truck trailers?

    Biden’s open border policy is killing people!

  5. Another 40+ illegal ALIENS who won’t be sucking off the Taxpayers’ Teat.

  6. The truck may have been loaded this side of the border. There are immigration checkpoints well in from the border, so just crossing the border is not a guarantee of success.smugglers to extract payment.

  7. @ ACParker JUNE 28, 2022 AT 10:06 AM

    “This is more blood on Biden’s hands. The incident will, of course, be used to relax enforcement at the border.”

    If you are trying to infer that this illegal alien immigration crisis is courtesy of the Democrats and Joe Biden and that the Republican establishment had/has nothing to do with it, you are pissing up a rope. Unfettered illegal immigration more than anything else is what the Republican establishment is motivated by.

  8. Now hold on here… somthin is oogly moogly with Google math.
    95% of 1,338,578 is 1,271,744.
    Minus the 100,000 in Davy Jones locker is 1,171,744.

    But hey, who’s counting!

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