Federal Vaccine Mandate Blocked Again as Appeals Court Dissolves Earlier Ruling – IOTW Report

Federal Vaccine Mandate Blocked Again as Appeals Court Dissolves Earlier Ruling


The vaccine mandate for federal employees will remain blocked at least until a September court hearing.

A Texas appeals court is dissolving a previous decision that upheld the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for federal employees.

On Monday, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed to request a full court to rehear Feds for Medical Freedom v. Biden (pdf), effectively dissolving the court’s April decision.

This means that President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate, which he introduced via Executive Order 14043 in September 2021, will remain blocked as long as the court does not issue a decision otherwise. The court has tentatively calendared the en banc oral arguments for the week of Sept. 12.

Feds for Medical Freedom, the plaintiffs, first challenged Biden’s vaccine mandate in a district court in Texas in December 2021 and alleged that the president exceeded his authority in imposing the vaccine mandate for federal employees. more

9 Comments on Federal Vaccine Mandate Blocked Again as Appeals Court Dissolves Earlier Ruling

  1. Left Coast Dan
    JUNE 28, 2022 AT 10:51 AM
    “Meanwhile parents are eagerly rushing their babies to get the shots. Even medical professionals! Just kills me.”

    …just kills THEM.

    As intened.

    Democrats are going to sacrifice babies to Moloch ONE way or another…

  2. The backlog and appeal after appeal in the courts is why nothing ever gets done. This should have been a no-brainer from the beginning with an experimental vaccine and treating the US population as guinea pigs.

  3. So if a federal worker doesn’t submit to an illegal mandate they will be bullied, threatened, maligned and mistreated per the Biden policy. This is what they’ve been doing to the troops that have refused, a much bigger number than they admit. All to administer a ‘treatment’ that doesn’t prevent transmission, seems to actually help you contract covid multiple times and has side effects like dropping dead for no reason. And today they are working on pushing through the Future Framework so new versions of these shots don’t have to go through pesky trials. Don’t comply.

  4. “We deny their ‘work product’. But bless their ” (continued, right, to) “work.”

    And you object to their households continued life.

    Not only the Han will not miss you.

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