Frustrated Detectives Leaving ‘Insane’ NYPD En Masse – IOTW Report

Frustrated Detectives Leaving ‘Insane’ NYPD En Masse

Geller Report: DiGiacomo, the Detectives Endowment Association president, said cops feel demoralized because of a lack of support from politicians.

“It’s simple,” he said. “Detectives are retiring in historic numbers because they have no support from politicians who care more about criminals than cops and the New Yorkers they protect.” more

9 Comments on Frustrated Detectives Leaving ‘Insane’ NYPD En Masse

  1. I’m originally from NYC and I have to say drop dead NYC ( and NYS) you are beyond help ,you will be doing the country a great service and while you are at it take California, Chicago, Portland and take the rest of your basket case friends with you !

  2. When victims are heroes, the results of fatherlessness, poverty, drugs and a poor education system are really just victims, so deserve extra heroic status, not jail.

  3. I’d leave up state NY if my kids and grand-kids didn’t live here. But I know people who left and came back within a year or two. Looks like I’ll just have to stay and fight it out.

  4. Mike B, could you please provide concrete proof of your statement please regarding a good portion being “on the take” as you say. thanks in advance for all the credible evidence you will no doubt provide

  5. It’s not just the City; it’s everywhere, in every state, county, and town. The academies cannot train new recruits fast enough, and there are not enough experienced guys to train them. Too, pay and benefits have been reduced and education incentives are gone. These parameters are based on maintaining standards to insure high quality personnel; as this new paradigm continues to develop, standards will be lowered, and those people hired will be those who would never have been hired previously. The number of people taking the tests for police officer have plummeted as well, reducing the number of desirable candidates as a percentage of the whole. In short, no intelligent individual interested in a secure working environment, a career, is going to take a chance on their work future by wasting time in public law enforcement. (this is not limited to LE; the military is effected as well. I think “they” have termed this phenomenon “WOKE”.)

    Stand by for the New. World. Order.


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