Canada: Woman With ‘Full Goatee’ Has Gone Missing In Toronto – IOTW Report

Canada: Woman With ‘Full Goatee’ Has Gone Missing In Toronto

The Toronto police describe Degrace as a 5’10 woman with a thin build, shaggy blonde hair, and a full goatee.

30 Comments on Canada: Woman With ‘Full Goatee’ Has Gone Missing In Toronto

  1. Your newly sworn in Supreme Court justice said she’s not a biologist and can’t define what a woman is. We’re in for a wonderful time with this one. What’s her
    name again? Ketanji Spearchucker Melonhead. Something like that.

  2. Nah PHenry…. we just had an article on her. It’s Kettle-Corn Germane Jackass or something eerily similar.

    Pretty sure she played Jambi the genie on Pee Wee’s Playhouse.

  3. My maternal grandmother(rest her soul)had what was called a “granny beard” for a couple of years before she passed. Our family knew for a fact that she was a WOMAN, the proof being my mother & uncle, even though she had some whiskers on her chin. I assure you all, the clown pictured has never given birth & never will, because it would be impossible for HIM to get pregnant or menstruate. Hence, NOT a woman. The goatee doesn’t help his claim either.

  4. Well, there’s another side of this so-called “Trans-gendered” thing: It’s probably safe to say that there are varying degrees of mental illness or incapacity in anyone who is confused or convinced they are something other than how they were created. If this guy’s really missing, he could be in a world of hurt and his family can thank the Left for playing along with him. It’s not funny that Leftists think they’re being compassionate to the mentally ill and the derelicts/addicts on the street (or the countless victims of “homeless” criminals) by allowing them their *freedom of choice* to be sick in the head.

    Just look at this guy’s eyes for a clue. I bet he’s been in an out of psych units since he was twelve.

  5. I am so disgusted with this whole discussion. It’s not complicated. If you were born with dangly bits you’re a dude. Even if you are an effeminate soy boy. If you got a vayjayjay you are a chick.

    Case closed. If you are confused by this you should be in a mental hospital. Do we still have those? No. Well there’s your problem.

  6. Another who has succumbed to Satan’s lies.
    Pray for his immortal soul.
    I DO believe that the Lord has mercy on mental defectives – He cannot hold them accountable (I think) for acts of which they had no volition.

    Then again, he may be making his way to San Francisco.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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