Tragedy: Toddler Dies After Fall From 29th Floor Of NYC High-Rise – IOTW Report

Tragedy: Toddler Dies After Fall From 29th Floor Of NYC High-Rise

Fight between parents reportedly preceded the horrific accident.

JTN: A shocking tragedy played out in New York City on Saturday when a three-year-old child fell to his death from a high-rise in the city’s Harlem borough. 

Witnesses reported that the child fell from the 29th story of the high-rise onto scaffolding around the third floor. He was pronounced dead at around 11:30 a.m. at Harlem Hospital. 

The young boy’s mother was reportedly on the street at the time and was screaming, “My baby, my baby, he is up there,” according to the New York Post. 

The boy’s father, meanwhile, allegedly tried to climb the scaffolding to get to him. 

 Photos of the high-rise show balconies surrounded by mosquito netting, which one witness told the Post was outdated. 

““We don’t have no AC right now. Everybody hangs out on the balcony right now,” the witness said.

22 Comments on Tragedy: Toddler Dies After Fall From 29th Floor Of NYC High-Rise

  1. “…We don’t have no AC right now…”

    “…The windmills aint been producin’ nuff energy…My democrat overlord tol’ me to be patient and he’d git me a window fan ’til the power come back on.

  2. NYC house there vermin in warehouses like rats. Living in a high rise is the most demoralizing and anti human being thing one can do to a human being.

    I did a year on the 14th floor. It was awful.

    Who does this to humans?


  3. I figured as much. You just formal the sentence up. Also, to avoid cave man talk I (silently) add “of the” or “that is” in muh head.

    Crowd tough (multitud duro) sounds STOOPID. If I think, “Crowd (that is) tough”, it’s still awkward…but at least it makes grammatical sense.

  4. So let me get this straight; BOTH the parents were on the sidewalk and their 3 year old was 29 stories up, playing on a balcony? WTF? Charge them both with. negligent manslaughter.

  5. Welcome to America! From falling off a high rise to flying out the drivers door of a car and get whacked. Keep climbing into those big rigs, they’ll burn your ass too! Foreigners, Amerika is not a safe place to be. Don’t for g4et folks, these illegals don’t have a pot to piss in, they have nothing to lose.

  6. We’ll all be without air conditioning if they get their way. All of us, except them, of course. If that day ever comes, they had better be prepared to meet their maker.

  7. Yup. I made a horrific and tasteless joke about the horrific and completely preventable death of a 3 year old baby.

    Fuck. Me. Indeed.

    Fuck me with the Debils pitchfork until I go to Hell and die from it.

    It was worth it.


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