93-Year-Old Who Shot Alleged Intruder Says Suspect Walked into ‘A Gunfight with a Pocket Knife’ – IOTW Report

93-Year-Old Who Shot Alleged Intruder Says Suspect Walked into ‘A Gunfight with a Pocket Knife’


The 93-year-old Moreno Valley, California, resident who shot an alleged intruder Wednesday said the suspect walked into “a gunfight with a pocket knife.”

Breitbart News reported that a 93-year-old homeowner shot the alleged intruder shortly after midnight Wednesday.

In an ABC News video, the 93-year-old homeowner, Joe Howard Teague, explained what led up to the shooting.

Teague indicated more than one suspect was trying to break into the home and he grabbed his gun and “approached them to put them under citizen’s arrest.”

He said, “They wouldn’t adhere to that and one of them come at me with a fishing pole and they kept throwing stuff at me, just like, you know, it was like somebody comes to a gunfight with a pocket knife.” more
h/t Brad.

15 Comments on 93-Year-Old Who Shot Alleged Intruder Says Suspect Walked into ‘A Gunfight with a Pocket Knife’

  1. Moreno Valley was a great place to locate in CA once; Lake Perris, nearby mountains, and away from all the LA/Orange county bullshit.
    Then the wetbacks started moving in, and it was all downhill after that.
    Berdoo too.

  2. The only thing i would have said differently was, “He had a knife & I was afraid.”

    I would not have said “Pocket knife”. It makes it sound like a boy’s scout knife or a red swiss army.

    Incidentally, I just happen to be packing my Zero Tolerance 0308 TS Titanium Framelock on mt hip. (Feels like a mini meat cleaver)

  3. “The only thing i would have said differently was, “He had a knife & I was afraid.”

    Dudes 95. He don’t care. I’d like to buy him a beer and a box of ammo.

  4. Moreno Valley contracts police services from Riverside County sheriff. Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco is the real deal. He is my favorite elected county official.

  5. Agatha Kakalogical

    That’s awesome. There’s a lot of Patriot Sheriffs in California that don’t get the recognition they should. Including mine. I might ad there’s a DA involved in this that needs a big pat on the back too.

  6. @Brad, yes DA Mike Hestrin is one of the good guys too.
    I voted for both of these men, and for all the judges they endorsed.
    Riverside County is home to me & my family. We are holding the line here.

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