Hunter Biden’s laptop shows contacts for Google execs, US officials on China: report – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden’s laptop shows contacts for Google execs, US officials on China: report

Just The News: Hunter Biden’s hard drive had the contact information of US officials overseeing policy on China and at least 10 Google executives, raising more concerns about his questionable business dealings possibly made through his father Joe Biden’s connections, The New York Post reported.

Hunter Biden turned to Google to ask for funding for Chinese ventures, a former executive at the company told the Post on Saturday. Several higher-ups at the company ultimately worked for the Obama-Biden administration when Joe Biden was vice president, the executive added.

The contacts for former Secretary of State John Kerry and former U.S. Ambassador to China Max Baucus, who both held their positions while Biden was vice president, were also apparently found on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop that was left at a Delaware repair store in 2019. 

The Post called Kerry’s number and reached his answering machine, but the outlet was unable to reach Baucus, who had a Chinese number listed.  read more

4 Comments on Hunter Biden’s laptop shows contacts for Google execs, US officials on China: report

  1. “Hunter Biden’s laptop shows contacts for Google execs, US officials on China: report”

    NONE of that shit matters, the only thing that matters is what the lying, liberal commies tell us. /s

  2. What must be investigated is Joe and Hunter Biden’s forced prostitution rings and forced female slave laborers for the Biden profiteering family, all evident on that vulgar laptop and hidden by msm.

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