Georgia Guidestones Monument BOMBED at 4 AM – IOTW Report

Georgia Guidestones Monument BOMBED at 4 AM

GP: One of the four outer pillars of the Georgia Guidestones, a Georgia monument located near the South Carolina border, was destroyed Wednesday morning.

The monument calls for a New World Order with a vastly smaller human population living in harmony with nature.

It is also accused of being a “monument to the devil.” more
h/t joe6pak

16 Comments on Georgia Guidestones Monument BOMBED at 4 AM

  1. Now THAT’S my kind of 4th of July celebration. I hope the perps are never found. But if they are, it will probably turn out to be a Fed-instigated false flag.

    Let’s see if these obscure guide stones suddenly become a Current Thing.

  2. We’re still working on taking the rest of it down, just as soon as we figure out how to put an AR false flag into our bombing false flag.

    We’ll get your guns, one way or another.

  3. According to another news article I read this morning the local government tore it completely down and broke it up because it was a “safety hazard”.
    Good riddance!

  4. I joked yesterday that Trump would be blamed, but commenter “birdie” posted this over at Instapundit:

    “What’s funny is that three days before it was blowed up, an account on Truth Social posted a picture of Trump holding dynamite standing in front of the Guidestones with the text “Ready?” on it. LOL”

    Weird if true. I’m sure the J6 inquisitors will be looking into it.

  5. Walter July 7, 2022 at 8:32 am

    You can take down the statue but you can’t so easily eliminate the idea.

    It’s the same with the Bible, man has tried to destroy it from the beginning, yet thousands of years later, it still remains as the real way to live. A NWO statue with anti-God wording engraved on it was going to see its demise one way or another. See how easy it is to destroy man made objects?

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  7. Good,the thing is an abomination glorifying the logical murder of 7 billion people. Anyone who claims the world would be a “paradise” if we pared the population to 1/2 billion is planning some evil shit.

  8. In 1994 the subhuman pieces of shit in Seattle erected a monument to Vladimir Lenin in Freemont. They worship at the feet of it and decorate it on May Day. What they are really celebrating is the hundreds of innocent humans that endured increased suffering, misery nd death under Lenin. The simple fact that it is tolerated at all tells you all you need to know about the collective character of Seattle.


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