Former Netflix ‘Cheer’ Star Gets 12 Years for Seeking Photos, Sex From Minors – IOTW Report

Former Netflix ‘Cheer’ Star Gets 12 Years for Seeking Photos, Sex From Minors

CHICAGO—A federal judge Wednesday sentenced Jerry Harris, a former star of the Netflix documentary series “Cheer,” to 12 years in prison for coercing teenage boys to send him obscene photos and videos of themselves and soliciting sex from minors at cheerleading competitions.

U.S. District Judge Manish Shah also ordered that the sentence be followed by eight years of court-supervised release.

Shah told Harris to consider the sentence an “expression of the seriousness of your crimes, tempered with some hope that all is not lost for you or for your victims, and that in the future some healing can occur.”

Harris, 22, of suburban Naperville, pleaded guilty earlier this year to one count each of receiving child pornography and traveling with the intention to engage in illegal sexual conduct. MORE

5 Comments on Former Netflix ‘Cheer’ Star Gets 12 Years for Seeking Photos, Sex From Minors

  1. Shah told Harris to consider the sentence an “expression of the seriousness of your crimes, tempered with some hope that all is not lost for you or for your victims, and that in the future some healing can occur.”


    Pedophiles never quit. They will rape children any chance they get until dead. The only hope his victims, current and future, can have is that he is slain in prison.

    The scars on his victims are permanent too. Some will even go on to abuse as they were abused. The only hope for them is that they find the Lord before they succumb to the pain. They have been betrayed in the cruelest way a human can be. Its not going to “heal” like a scab under a bandaid.

    God help them.

    No one else will.


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