Highland Park Shooter’s Mom Has Issues Of Her Own – IOTW Report

Highland Park Shooter’s Mom Has Issues Of Her Own


REVEALED: Highland Park shooter’s mom was convicted of leaving him in hot car for 27 MINUTES when he was 2, as arrest reports reveal her attacks on his dad with shoe and screwdriver.

Highland Park shooter Bobby Crimo III was left in a hot car by his mom for 27 minutes as a toddler – with his mother later convicted over the incident.

The disturbing 2002 incident was one of multiple brushes with the law Crimo’s mom Denise Pesina and dad Bob Crimo Jr had with cops prior to Monday’s massacre in Chicago that killed seven.

It is unclear if the hot car incident left Crimo, now 21, with any physical or mental injuries that may have ultimately led to the horrific shootout.  

Police were also called to his family’s home 10 times, to reports of domestic violence. Those incidents included Denise Pesina allegedly attacking her husband with a screwdriver and shoe after he berated her looks.  

The report details nine instances cops were called to the Crimo family home in Highwood between 2010 and 2014, often to address physical disputes between the youth’s mother and father, Robert Crimo Jr. and Denise Pesina.

During one drunken altercation in August 2010, Crimo Jr. told police responding to a domestic abuse call  that Pesina had struck him in the head with her shoe.

Crimo Jr. – who unsuccessfully ran for Mayor in Highland Park in 2019 – reportedly told officers that his relationship with Pesina was ‘failing,’ and that she was intoxicated. more

22 Comments on Highland Park Shooter’s Mom Has Issues Of Her Own

  1. kinda sounds like another D’rat disfunctional family

    … you know, like the Bidens

    wouldn’t ‘The Bidens’ make a great sit-com? … I can hear the opening jingle & laugh-track now

    ‘They’re showering with each other,
    dad, mom, sister and their brothers.
    They’re fondling little kids the world over
    The Biden Family

    Creep … Lying so sweet … Drug-addled Freak

    So get your rain gear on,
    cause you don’t want it to spash on ya.
    We’re all gonna need a shower,
    after watching ‘The Biden Family”

  2. @ WTF over ??? JULY 8, 2022 AT 9:33 PM

    WTF (no pun intended) are you talking about?

    It is because of guns…..guns are scary, and they go out and kill people daily!

    Shouldn’t we feel sympathy for the people that just happened to be holding these guns when the gun decided to fire?

  3. There’s a video of her unloading Target shopping bags out of the trunk of her car at the very moment her, ah, offspring was pleading guilty to being the ultimate coward.
    The kids dad ran as a Libtard. His campaign page is still up.

  4. JDHasty

    Jeez, I thought you were sleeping with her there for a moment. LOL. Every picture I’ve seen of her has her nips poking out. She must always be cod.

  5. She should have put the POS in the oven – 350 for 4 hours.
    And then jumped off a bridge – landing on her husband – killing them both.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Brad, I just don’t get making shit up.

    AA, I don’t know about that I’ve seen several stories about neighbors saying the cops were always at their house and that there was always screaming and fighting going on.

  7. Psychopath gene pool. Apparently, more dominant on the mother’s side. That murdering freak didn’t have a chance to be normal with Ultra Build Back Badly, Demwit parents.

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