“Gross un-showered” de Blasio – IOTW Report

“Gross un-showered” de Blasio

NYPost: Political strategist Lis Smith casts Bill de Blasio as a “gross unshowered guy” who had good reason to be “pissed” about her romantic fling with Eliot Spitzer — exposed by The Post — especially after he failed to woo an endorsement from the ex-governor while running for mayor in 2013.

“Both of us had tried to get in bed with Eliot, but only one of us had been successful,” Smith writes in in her new book “Any Given Tuesday,” an excerpt of which was shared with New York Magazine.

The jab at de Blasio — who fired her from a City Hall job after her relationship with the prostitution scandal-scarred Spitzer became public — was one of many in the 304-page book that also excoriated disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Smith claims she had issues with de Blasio soon after she began interviewing for a dream job as a mayoral spokeswoman before he took office in 2014.

“The likely incoming mayor of New York was childish, intellectually lazy, overconfident in his own abilities, and annoyingly condescending,” she says in the book.

Smith adds she “basically blacked out for the next ten minutes” as the lefty pol opined about “everything from Fiorello La Guardia to Buddhism.” more

8 Comments on “Gross un-showered” de Blasio

  1. sounds like one lying sack-o’-shit lying about all the other lying sacks-o’-shit

    … another big D’rat Shitfest that will be ignored …. ’cause, hey! Orange Man is a poopyhead & so is that Gov of Florida!

  2. Progs are filthy and disgusting. An unequivocal statement posted a full decade before they made it no longer something only people who have lived in close contact with the subhuman pieces of shit became so bold as to no longer keep it somewhat hidden could appreciate. I don’t get any pushback on that any longer.

  3. “The likely incoming mayor of New York was childish, intellectually lazy, overconfident in his own abilities, and annoyingly condescending,” she says in the book. Every liberal democrat in every corner of the world. She forgot to add “morally superior” & thinking that they are the smartest person in any group of people, although, I guess that might fall under “overconfident in his abilities”. Still an asshole, just like the rest of his party.


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