9 Out Of 10 Americans Believe Joe Biden Has Nation On Wrong Track – IOTW Report

9 Out Of 10 Americans Believe Joe Biden Has Nation On Wrong Track

Tatum Report:

The Biden administration’s gaslighting continues, which is hilarious because they’re so bad at it.

Townhall tweeted an exchange between FOX News’ Peter Doocy and Biden gaslighter Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP).

Doocy asked, “Why do you think 88% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track?”

Think about that figure. Nearly 9 out of every 10 Americans believe Biden is careening the nation toward disaster. It appears Americans are not divided on everything.

KJP answered (cartoonishly), “The president understands what the American people are going through. He understands that gas prices are high because of Putin’s tax hike.” [emphasis added] more

12 Comments on 9 Out Of 10 Americans Believe Joe Biden Has Nation On Wrong Track

  1. Oh Jesus, it’s a Klown Kar Parade, everyone knows it and having a mumbling black faggot gaslighting us is beyond pathetic.

    I know ValGal and Rice are shitting bricks. It’s the quintessential dog catching the car, now fucking what?

    These are our OverLords? Good fucking grief.

  2. He’s not on the wrong track he’s off the rails! Talking head Joe will say “try to say” anything his handlers put on the teleprompter, and the handlers are a bunch of woke, far left disorganized progressive fools.

  3. This is actually worrisome news. The dems will now be like a cornered animal. They know the midterms are lost…unless something catastrophic occurs between now and then. Something so devastating that the elections will have to be cancelled.

  4. Yeah, we’ve been on the wrong track for years
    Doesn’t matter who is in charge, demon possessed democrats and RINO’s will vote evil every time. The great Roman Empire was a republic until the democrats took over, just exactly where the USA is today.


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