Army Training Requires Soldiers to Shower with Transgender Individuals of the Opposite Sex – IOTW Report

Army Training Requires Soldiers to Shower with Transgender Individuals of the Opposite Sex

Tatum Report:

An Army training PowerPoint reportedly instructed American troops to shower alongside transgender people of the opposite sex, regardless of if they have undergone surgical transition. According to Breitbart News, a training slide tells soldiers what to do if they come across a female soldier who, under the Department of Defense’s personnel tracking system known as the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), identifies as a male, but who has not undergone a surgical transition and still possesses “female genitalia.”

The instructional slide states, “Soldiers must accept living and working conditions that are often austere, primitive, and characterized by little or no privacy. … Understand anyone may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex despite having the same gender marker in DEERS.” The slide also notes that soldiers must be “respectful of the privacy and modesty concerns of others,” and that “transgender Soldiers are not required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers.” more

21 Comments on Army Training Requires Soldiers to Shower with Transgender Individuals of the Opposite Sex

  1. Not so long ago, it was the army’s primary job to kill people and break things. Under this dementia riddled (p)resident, their primary function is to be woke.

  2. Obama started destroying our military, now Obama round three is going to make sure he’s finished the job. When the SHTF, we’re not going to be able to trust the military anymore.

  3. My wife and daughter, bless their hearts, are binge-watching old episodes of “Glee”. I was pouring a drink in the othe room, and I overheard this little white fruit sitting next to a big black tub of goo say, “ I’m gay, she’s black. We make the culture.”

    That show was from a few years ago, and here we are today with this shit. We should have seen this coming back then, when we saw those pictures of gawky white boy recruits marching in high heels at the command of their fatass black lady drill i lnstructor. All I can say is this makes feel feel better about our odds in a civil war.

  4. Is it any wonder that any normal red blooded American young male or female would even want to join the military with joey as their commander in chief? There is no way in hell I would serve in the Navy now, draft or no draft with the current bunch of arrogant leftwing fucktards running the military. This bullshit would not have been tolerated 50 years ago when I joined the Navy in 1972 at the age of 19.

  5. In USAF basic training during 1973, all homos were immediately pulled from training and housed in a special barracks together just long enough to out-process them from the military.

  6. Morals are supposed to be about what is right and what is wrong. To the democraps right is wrong, wrong is right, black is white, white is black, up is down, 2 + 2= 5 etc., and their worldview is totally Orwellian. Joey and the democraps have no morality, they are invested heavily in the ends justify the means over every moral issue. LGB/FJB!


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