Elizabeth Warren shows her hand as a callous and indignant villain – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren shows her hand as a callous and indignant villain

American Thinker:

By Olivia Murray

Prior to the official release of the Dobbs v. Jackson opinion on June 24th, the Department of Homeland Security issued warnings to churches and pregnancy resource centers across the U.S., regarding legitimate threats of “extreme violence” at the hands of pro-abortion Brownshirts. Once Roe was officially dead, the hoodlums ramped up the carnage, and since May 2nd (the date of the SCOTUS leak), at least 27 pregnancy resource centers, pro-life organizations, and churches have fallen victim to arson, vandalism, and complete ruin.

Now, the Charlatan of Harvard, Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, is calling for the closure of these life-saving and charitable outposts, at the hands of a weaponized government. In a voice shaking with rage and hostility, Warren condemned the havens, inferring illigitmacy by referring to them as “so-called crisis pregnancy centers”, and accused them of using ‘bait-and-switch’ tactics. (Ironic, that Fauxcahontas now feigns concern for alleged fraudulence and deception.) more here

15 Comments on Elizabeth Warren shows her hand as a callous and indignant villain

  1. I am totally indifferent to ANY suffering endured by anyone who subscribes to the progressive agenda and they are illustrating how It is that I came to feel that way.

  2. Planned Parenthood was founded to kill Black Babies. Now its mission is to kill All Babies. No enough baby parts stir fry to go around anymore Warren? How is your Adreneochrome supply holding up?

  3. OK, I guess I will expand on how I got to indifference:

    Those who subscribe to the progressive agenda and support the progressive movement freely chose the master they will serve and the wages he pays. Is it possible to be unaware of what and who you are serving when the mask has been off for quite some time? Not a chance.

    I have no sympathy for anyone who in their pride and arrogance has freely accepted Satan’s bargain. John 8:44

    If they could manage to just live the joyless unfulfilling life they have freely chosen for themselves and leave others alone, I could find some room for pity for them. Particularly if they were not fully invested in forcing others to violate their own conscience.

    There isn’t a chance of that happening.

    No one except God has limitless capacity for sympathy and I am not into insincerity, therefore I am not about to even feign sympathy for anyone whose unhappy with the choice they made, freely and with foreknowledge, to reject The Good and follow Satan. Do his work, expect his pay.

    Indifference is the best I have to offer. It is all I can do to not reciprocate and instead of despising them, actively hate and wish them deeper into the hell they have chosen for themselves.

  4. Considering that I despise humanity in general….you know large groups of stupid people, I suggest that we consider terminal velocity as an appropriate judgement to pay their debt to society. You find the elevation point from which to drop them and let the laws of physics take over. On one hand, it’s guaranteed to make sure said asshole will never be a problem again. On the other hand, it’s budget friendly, as gravity does the work. Plus they get a bit of reflection time on their way down. It’s a win win.

  5. Take note that the mega-jealous uber-ugly fake Native Indian and vindictive pendulous Warren woman and others have/are planning the killings of pregnant women, which is why strong warnings and alerts by civilian Americans are being circulated for men to accompany their pregnant wives armed or defended in some way when outdoors or traveling. The grasping and desperate democrats and their accomplices will stop at nothing to further themselves.

  6. I prefer “Day of the Wood Chipper”.
    If you use a rope, they just hang there.
    Putting them in the chipper feet first is so mulch more entertaining!

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