‘Too much red flag for bank’: The tale of Hunter Biden’s payments to alleged Russian prostitutes – IOTW Report

‘Too much red flag for bank’: The tale of Hunter Biden’s payments to alleged Russian prostitutes

Just The News:

As his father was ramping up his 2020 presidential run, Hunter Biden was busy texting a woman with a Russian email address about finding a way to evade bank suspicions so they could complete a wire transfer.

“Email with .ru flags wires,” Hunter Biden texted the woman named Eva in early January 2019, according to evidence two members of Congress have sent the Justice Department.

“Too much red flag for bank,” Hunter Biden texted another time when wire coordinates for the payment to the woman were sent. “That its [sic] what got my accounts frozen and reviewed by bank. Send me Julia and I will give her the cash.”

The text messages — first reported in the news media and now recounted in an official letter from Congress to DOJ — raise a tantalizing question: Should Americans be concerned that a presidential son was texting and exchanging wire transfers with alleged prostitutes using a Russian email address?

Sens. Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley, two Republicans who have spent more time than any investigating the Biden family’s overseas business dealings, believe the answer is a resounding “Yes.” more

9 Comments on ‘Too much red flag for bank’: The tale of Hunter Biden’s payments to alleged Russian prostitutes

  1. ^^ Which reminds me: For years my atm cash limit was 300/day.
    A week or two I needed that amount and was surprised to receive a 1/2″inch stack of bills.
    (I had accidentally misplaced a decimal point.) Oopsie!

    Guess I’m on a list now…

  2. “… Hunter Biden texted the woman named Eva in early January 2019, according to evidence…”

    gonna go out on a limb here, as there isn’t any other context to prove what the money was for. Sure, it might have been for the ‘whore de joure’ but I’ll say, it could also be an attempt to send blackmail money to get back his stolen (‘by russians’) laptop.
    they sell things- ideas, concepts and opinions included


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